Chancellor Puddinghead

It felt like the events at the beginning of this episode happened right after the train fiasco, rather than a few hours after the fact.  Maybe I misinterprated it.  Damn World Series, screwing up my crappy tv, making me wait two weeks and making me forget stuff. 

I'm a little confused.  Didn't last week end with Nora being mostly OK from the stab wound?

I'm a little confused.  Didn't last week end with Nora being mostly OK from the stab wound?

She is definitely a graduate of the Jennifer Morrison School Of Frowning.

She is definitely a graduate of the Jennifer Morrison School Of Frowning.

When asked for comment, FOX replied, "We don't need to preempt our lineup for 24 hour news coverage.  We already have a channel for that."

When asked for comment, FOX replied, "We don't need to preempt our lineup for 24 hour news coverage.  We already have a channel for that."

I'm no Henry fan, but credit where it's due, that kid took a kick to the head from that horse like a real champ.

I'm no Henry fan, but credit where it's due, that kid took a kick to the head from that horse like a real champ.

Yes, science doesn't work that way.  That's why everybody's really confused about why the lights went out.  So much more to hate about that show, and I've never been sure why everyone still dwells on that part.

Yes, science doesn't work that way.  That's why everybody's really confused about why the lights went out.  So much more to hate about that show, and I've never been sure why everyone still dwells on that part.

That wasn't terrible.  

That wasn't terrible.  

His lack of American Flag lapel pin and the red scarf tied to his mic makes me wonder if this was not, in fact, a secret code to his Statist collaborators at the Kremlin.  Well played, Comrade Loaf, well played.

His lack of American Flag lapel pin and the red scarf tied to his mic makes me wonder if this was not, in fact, a secret code to his Statist collaborators at the Kremlin.  Well played, Comrade Loaf, well played.

Aw man, I liked Code Monkeys. 

Aw man, I liked Code Monkeys. 

It's a vegetable. Quit complaining.

It's a vegetable. Quit complaining.

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