Chancellor Puddinghead

So it's exactly like the original Evil Dead, then? 

Failed secondsies and thirdsies?  Sure, why not?  I never get to be in on the ground floor of those jokes. 

Failed secondsies and thirdsies?  Sure, why not?  I never get to be in on the ground floor of those jokes. 

The only thing the Internet has taught me is to never listen to anybody on the Internet.  Christ could come back right now, and within seconds, people would bitch that it wasn't as good as the first time, and there was no reason to remake it.

The only thing the Internet has taught me is to never listen to anybody on the Internet.  Christ could come back right now, and within seconds, people would bitch that it wasn't as good as the first time, and there was no reason to remake it.

"Hey, Brad Pitt"
"Look over here.  Look what I can do."
"Oh hey, it looks like you pulled your thumb off, but it's still clearly on your hand.  How'd you do that?"
"Here, I'll show you."
"Wait, go slower. I don't get it"
"See? I just fold my thumb like this, and then…."
"No, wait, hold on.  I think I got it.  Am I

"Hey, Brad Pitt"
"Look over here.  Look what I can do."
"Oh hey, it looks like you pulled your thumb off, but it's still clearly on your hand.  How'd you do that?"
"Here, I'll show you."
"Wait, go slower. I don't get it"
"See? I just fold my thumb like this, and then…."
"No, wait, hold on.  I think I got it.  Am I

If they're adults, it's creepy.  If they're kids, it's just a princess costume.

If they're adults, it's creepy.  If they're kids, it's just a princess costume.

Oh, now I get it!

Oh, now I get it!

Meh, I'm not worried.  I'll just hide out in my apartment, where no houseplants are allowed to live.  You guys can come hang out with me till the whole things blows over.  I have all the Honey Boo Boos on DVR, so we're set.  

Meh, I'm not worried.  I'll just hide out in my apartment, where no houseplants are allowed to live.  You guys can come hang out with me till the whole things blows over.  I have all the Honey Boo Boos on DVR, so we're set.  

Are you serious about the real time thing, or are we exaggerating for comic effect?

Are you serious about the real time thing, or are we exaggerating for comic effect?

That really was one of the better Burn Notices.  Putting it in the same list as MacGyver drives home the point that Burn Notice learned quite a bit from Mac, and seems to do it so much better.  BN went back to the hostage episode a second time, although Weston was posing as one of the terrorists, and it was that whole

That really was one of the better Burn Notices.  Putting it in the same list as MacGyver drives home the point that Burn Notice learned quite a bit from Mac, and seems to do it so much better.  BN went back to the hostage episode a second time, although Weston was posing as one of the terrorists, and it was that whole

No kidding.  Screw the old country, I'd be much happier in Maine with digs like that.

No kidding.  Screw the old country, I'd be much happier in Maine with digs like that.

I need to go back through the first season, it seems.  What was that tunnel from the first season where Henry got trapped?  I thought that was somewhere in the forest.  Two different places, I guess?