Chancellor Puddinghead

I can't prove it, but I think they went back and altered the first season after the fact.  They were much larger than that.



I know!  Google did that thing where, if you search for porn, it stops showing you results until you press enter. I was trying to find before and after shots of when April O'Neil's boobies went from freaky big to no longer relevant, and that didn't help my search much.

I know!  Google did that thing where, if you search for porn, it stops showing you results until you press enter. I was trying to find before and after shots of when April O'Neil's boobies went from freaky big to no longer relevant, and that didn't help my search much.

I remember them.  I remember, even as just a little Puddinghead not yet fully aware of  the power of the breast, that they were crazy big.  And I also remember, maybe less than a season went by, that they had magically shrunk.  I didn't know why I was disappointed yet, but I do recall a great sense of loss that haunts

I remember them.  I remember, even as just a little Puddinghead not yet fully aware of  the power of the breast, that they were crazy big.  And I also remember, maybe less than a season went by, that they had magically shrunk.  I didn't know why I was disappointed yet, but I do recall a great sense of loss that haunts



Hey, nobody asked.

Hey, nobody asked.

Oh, JabbaTheBUTT!  I just got it.

Oh, JabbaTheBUTT!  I just got it.

I'm totally Team Amanda!

I'm totally Team Amanda!

Really, man?  You can't let me have this one thing?  I don't ask for anything.  I'm living out the back of my car stealing wi-fi from a homeless man in Austin, TX.

Really, man?  You can't let me have this one thing?  I don't ask for anything.  I'm living out the back of my car stealing wi-fi from a homeless man in Austin, TX.

Quick.  To 4chan!

Quick.  To 4chan!

I'm sure there is a sitcom in development somewhere that needs a racist grandmother.