
Honestly, I think making elaborate fantasy exposition bearable and/or compelling is like a rite of passage for older British thespians. To me, the all time king has to be Ian McKellan in LOTR. Some of the stuff he has to slog through in the extended cuts boggles the mind, yet he knocks it out of the park in every

By the Beastie Boys. Fits the criteria better than any of the given examples, actually. Changed their image from Old School Hip Hop Dinosaurs to Alternative Music Pioneers. Was a massive hit that's spanned generations of differing audiences, and it's video is one of the most iconic of all time. A cover of it

Sorry. She listed Zoolander as a favorite movie once, and mentioned she thought Wilson and Stiller looked gorgeous in it. I thought that was worth something.

I know a lot of girls who really like Owen Wilson. Jane Lynch thinks he's gorgeous, and that's good enough for me. Jason Sudeikis may be a hall of famer, game-wise. Rumors have attached him to January Jones and Scarlett Johanson. Maybe this movie's working with a layer of irony nobody's picking up on.

And that brighter future is… Canada.

How about Die Hard?
Not even all the violence, which is straight awesome. When John takes Holly's watch off to save her life, that always sort of made me cringe. Seemed pretty oppressive, forcing her to abandon the symbol of her success as an independent career woman for the sake of reconciliation. Thankfully, the

Neeson has played more mentors who die than anyone I can think of. Let's not forget Aslan and Guy-in-Fallout-3.