
It's funny when your mayor reminds you of Kenny Powers. Jody Hill has to do his biography.

I really like Bobby M. Especially drunk uncle. But the fact is, his take on Ford sucked. As a Torontonian I can say without a doubt, he doesn't understand what makes Rob Ford such a funny and ridiculous character.

Why was it cancelled? Sun News is struggling for ratings. And they're also batshit right wingers. It was a perfect match.

I didn't know anything when I was nine-teen. Probably would've done embarrassing shit like this too if I was in the unique and bizarre situation of growing up with DD Lewis as my dad.

He's only 19. And he's just being honest about how he feels. What's the sense in ripping him apart? Let him grow up some more and see what he becomes before you completely smash his confidence.

That was the only requirement when they cast George Clooney for Batman.

I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!

O wow. AV Club is so Pitchforky now. When nerds think they're cool it's always a really sad to watch. I'm out. I'll return when you're back to your crusty self again.



Who sent you? What is your purpose?

You should've involved us in this redesign process. This website wouldn't amount to much without the readers and commenters. This is supposed to be our space, just as much as it's yours. I thought this place was a community. But now it just seems like I'm a guest.

I feel like I'm at a Guy Young party.

This bright new layout makes me feel like I'm on the View. That feature article on Whoopi Goldberg isn't helping.

You killed it. You finally killed it.

I love it when South Park goes full on Norman Rockwell/Charles M. Schulz/Little Rascals. They're just excellent at creating a small town boyhood wonderland vibe. And the sardonic edge that defines the show guarantees that it'll never get hokey or sentimental. Episodes like this remind me why I love South Park like an

Awesome episode! And to make things even better there's a sequel!

I couldn't understand why you got so many down-votes… and then I read "all sorts of bone-chilling".

Have you heard about that movie 'Constipation'?
That's cuz it hasn't come out yet.

Wild Hearts: That is literally the most dangerous thing I've ever seen heroized in a kids' movie.