
I don't why exactly, but I find the ads for this show repulsive. I think it's that guy in the suit pretending to be a funny sitcom dude.

that show does stink. It's got this cutesy quality that's totally obnoxious.

I'd actually watch this crap if the male lead was played by Idris Elba.

Every Rose has its Thor.

AVClub needs to stop doing music. They're becoming a crappy pitchfork.

Booger's a better belcher.

I'm actually a pretty big fan of stand-up comedy. But what's strange is that I've never got into Pryor. I'd like to understand why comedy greats and comedy nerds love his stand-up so much. Beyond the fundamental rage that underlies his comedy, I'm just not intrigued by what I've seen. My lack of interest in Pryor

The top TEN justifications for the Grunge era.

"Jennifer Ehle naked" is my new favourite Google search term.

I always thought Molly was a perfect match for Long Duk Dong.
"Whats a happenin hotstuff."

Don Draper and Joan. I guess we'll see what happens in the final season.

Anyone seen that movie starring Keitel and Johnny Rotten? It has multiple titles: Corrupt / Cop Killer. As an actor, Rotten lives up to his name. Still though. It was a pretty stellar find in a local convenience store with a bootleg section.

Brick Top from Snatch has totally ruined my appreciation for Babe.

This how everyone should age.

When i was a 14 i watched Midnight Cowboy with my mom. Watching that film felt like a milestone in my life. It was hard to appreciate at the time how cool my mom was.

I still remember that one page from the Godfather book. Where Sonny and his mistress sneak away from the wedding party. It was very graphic.

Once you go vintage Penthouse, Playboy from any era looks like a total joke. I mentioned this elsewhere, but when I was 12 I found my grandpa's 1977 Penthouse. What a treasure! Not just for the exquisite/trashy photography (Bob Guccione RIP) but for the stories and the articles. The cover boasted titles like "POPCORN

On Watch This. It's a running segment on this website.

A movie that should be on here is "Rage and Discipline". It's a really well-made budget indie flick from 2004. The trailer doesn't really do it justice but here it is: