
by sonia's system, being personally asian in a tv landscape w/ very few asians means that I don't like tv…

it was the theme to barney, not "this old man"…

I thought the powerpoint-esque scene transition animation was laughable… star-wipe into space!

has Sonia actually seen any show she's not assigned to watch?

how are you a critic when you haven't seen one of the seminal shows of a generation due to "a variety of reasons"?

being forced to watch Lena Dunham's Girls… I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy…

lemme get this straight, todd… when molly solverson plunges forward making assumptions in her map everyone needs to hit the brakes? but when rust cohle pulls an entire accurate conspiracy theory out of his ass like jeff goldblum from Independence Day A++++? ok… gotcha…

Twilight Zone was great…

you are correct…

oh, you mean reimagined as "guy with gun"? his contribution to the justice league is the antithesis of batman's MO…

it was too much of a cheat for me… entourage much?

how is vigilante a superhero? he has guns…

OMG! the av club giving Mad Men something below a B+?! Did hell freeze over?

oh thank god, reading some of these comments I thought I was the only one taking crazy pills…

so this is one of "my shows" or whatever the old format was called but I had to scroll down past all of last nights recaps and a news item about a vampire show to find out that there is a review up… well done new av club site format… well done… i'd give the site revamp a solid C…

that is b/c you are sane… it was the worst episode… and not just of the season…

uh… you left out breaking bad in the list of great shows emily rios has been on…

he was referring to orpheus? shit i thought he just had a stroke and rambled off for a moment…

how did you miss Ghost Robot? he is a ghost that lives in the head of a robot… if you pierce his chest he will be unharmed…