
… and nothing of value was lost…

I also reject Chris Brown's comeback…

david thewlis being over the top british is my new favorite thing in the world…

charlie forgetting to dribble is my favorite thing ever now…

Nice of him to fall on the sword for jimmy fallon…

Iron Fist: Plagiarisimo di Plagiarisimo… coming soon to Netflix…

a little soon for an arrow reboot but whatever…

did anyone else find it insulting that Tessa, a character that has never gone a second w/o monologuing, had the nerve to tell someone a) "show not tell" and b) "brevity is the soul of wit"?

Why are those idiots being blackmailed by Maeve? A robot they can easily a) turn off , b) decrease the intelligence of, c) wipe the memory of, or d) all of the above… Do they also leave their hands on stoves and scream about how they're burning alive?

Shoulda asked for proof that she's not actually also amy brenneman…

Thanks, Dan, I appreciate it.

London to England and Taiwan to China are not equivalents unless you take the increasingly Communist PRC-only view that they are one China. Especially since the characters themselves did not refer to Taiwan as China in this episode. Maybe they have in previous episodes, but not this one. Rewatch for yourself, every

dude… taiwan and china are not the same country…

I'm gonna miss louise…

seriously? a B? get out of here…

Oh my god, you went an entire black-ish review w/o talking about the carmichael show once… a new record…

No mention of Tilda?

Hey, where is Mimi? I bet she is dead by now…

uh… I'm pretty sure you're the only one who watches or cares about the Carmichael Show…

can tv stop trying to make david walton happen? he's never gonna happen… b/c he's not very good…