Marbury vs. Mastodon

Man, when Guy Pierce: Founder of AIM was crushed by the debris I was hoping with all my heart that he would float up from the rubble transformed into a giant head with little tiny arms and legs dangling uselessly from its sides.

The 90's movie wasn't bad, making the whole thing a total piss-take was actually a fairly inspired move.

The 90's movie wasn't bad, making the whole thing a total piss-take was actually a fairly inspired move.

The Masters of the Universe was the best movie version of Jack Kirby's Fourth World that comic fans will ever get. The director intended it as a massive tribute to Kirby's work and tried to get the King himself to do production designs before the studio nixed it. 

The Masters of the Universe was the best movie version of Jack Kirby's Fourth World that comic fans will ever get. The director intended it as a massive tribute to Kirby's work and tried to get the King himself to do production designs before the studio nixed it. 

It still holds up, there's still some corny-ass lyrics but 13 years later it has fermented into wonderful power pop. See also, e.g., Stay What You Are by Saves the Day.

It still holds up, there's still some corny-ass lyrics but 13 years later it has fermented into wonderful power pop. See also, e.g., Stay What You Are by Saves the Day.

Any source on that rumor? I saw the new trailer attached to Avengers and it looked pretty nifty, I'd like to read what Sony thinks is wrong with it.

There's one bit where Stark is trying to avoid Agent Coulson by claiming he's a Life Model Decoy, which was a nice little touch. I love how this functioned both as an Avengers movie and a big crazy-ass S.H.I.E.L.D. story.

Maybe a better comparison would be with the Terminator series. Like Terminator 1, Asylum was sort of a low budget surprise sleeper hit, with a really cool claustrophobic linearity that only the best Metroidvania games can nail. The second, like T2, gives the characters a much larger and more bombastic world to play

Right, I was thinking it would be more of a "I love this movie despite _____'s awful performance" deal. A good example for me would be the Harry Potter movies. They're all pretty decent but the three main characters act in hammy, open your mouth and ENUNCIATE! child star mode throughout the whole series.

I kind of like the weird apocalyptic overtones this season started out on. The snakes and the weird cult elements remind me more of the books, which eventually introduced honest-to-god supernatural stuff. Not that I'm expecting that, but I'm digging the funky freakshow vibe.

While there's definitely a similarity, I feel like Always Sunny is much more heavily stylized than TPB. Sunny almost like a Marx Brothers movie or something in that there's a very distinct cadence to the dialogue.

Harry Shearer
What with all the funky and awesome performances by the MLB players, it's easy to overlook just how terrific Harry Shearer was in this episode. This episode could have easily been a big clusterfuck without a kickass Burns/Smithers performance to tie everyone together.