
But they have so much in common! Both want to scrub their ridiculous pictures off the internet! They are such good meme bait!

So the whole "when all the trees and plants are gone we'll learn you can't eat money" thing was bullshit?

That's what I thought. He was not trying to kill himself, he was seeking wisdom like Odin.

Christian Slater's puppet.

John Snootchybooch demonstrates how to do "The Overthruster". Duckman laughs it off as a ripoff of "The Funky Duckman". John Silentbob utters his single line: "Laugh a while you can a Duckyman!"

Buckaroo Banzai 2: Jay and Silent Bob Across the Eighth of Chronic

I'd like to see a MST3K take on Other Space

Planet of the Apes

I had a hard time at first. Then I realized it's laid out like a comic book and each scene is a new major panel.


Sue while a you can a monkey boy!

He sleeps with the Fish.

And then some!

It is obviously time for a new genre defining parody called Gritty Reboot

Slim Pickens on a nuke

The lion looked like something from Doctor Who

Gotta make hay while the sun shines

How about some wicked clown love for Wizard of da Hood? Emerald City needs a cameo from J and Shaggy.

The big question is can she sound like a real stalk of celery?

Where does she come from? Where does she go? Is she someone's baby? I just gotta know!