Dune Star Requiem with legendary guitarist Stilzgar
Dune Star Requiem with legendary guitarist Stilzgar
Ix is still my favorite Dune joke.
What's Gary Johnson?
Huffin and MacGuffin and I'll blow your house down!
Now, more than three decades later,
How long is that in Moon Units?
Whoa! It's Sterculious! The Roman god of feces!
Parallels 2 - Electric Sliders
I like BBQ chicken sliders the best
"Dad said you're a pussy"
Just a citizen of Planet Earth who prefers being alive and fighting injustice than being a casualty of World War 3.
Both are still fighting the DAPL. I voted for Bernie in the primary, but we all know what happened. By the time of the election it was mathematically impossible for him to win even if half the population voted for him because write in votes only count in a few states. Jill had a shot. Dan pissed all over her in his…
Fuck the election and fuck all the damned idiots who voted for either Clinton or Trump. You are the reason we are stuck in this two part lesser of two evils bullshit. I'm tired of hearing you piss and moan how it is my fault for voting for a candidate I actually wanted. One who gives a shit about the people and the…
Jeff is by far my favorite character on this show with Gerry being a distant second. Ozzie reminds me too much of Seinfeld who I never really liked. I miss the three way interaction between Jeff, Don, and Kurt. RIP buddy.
Fuck those muppets TO DEATH!!!
Next Star Trek movie: resort planet controlled by an insane computer. Nazi World. Roman World. Gangster World, Hippie World. Post Apocalyptic Yang World… Kirk has to argue the computer into suicide without it destroying the planet.
Land of the Ball Fondlers
Of course it had a meaning. It's a guy who gets off on having his woman deny him sex and flaunt that she's fucking other guys. It's a thing and alt-right ruined it for them.
I'm gonna go into business selling refurbished scuttled narco subs to hippies.