kill yr idols

R.I.P Tom Cruise Heidecker, gone too soon.

Spike Lee's fourth film is 'Do the Right Thing,' there is nothing at all amateurish about the craft in that film. What a bizarre comment to compare Lee to Kevin Smith…

I hate this movie.

Thank you for explaining this so clearly and soberly. I'm sure that the persuasiveness of your argument will be felt…oh wait nevermind this is the internet where smart discourse goes to die.

I'm thinking this show is much better than it's getting credit for. People want it to be a documentarian or something but it's a fantastical myth that is incredibly fun and entertaining as long as some preconceived idea of 'realism' isn't biasing your opinion.

played 'hey, johnny park' at my HS talent show in 2001. it seems a common lesson here is that playing foo fighters songs is not a surefire way to get laid, despite what guitar teachers might think.

played 'hey, johnny park' at my HS talent show in 2001. it seems a common lesson here is that playing foo fighters songs is not a surefire way to get laid, despite what guitar teachers might think.

well of course Jesus Fucking Christ would hate Nietzsche.

somebody really didn't read their Nietzsche closely.  "the world is will to power."