
sarC, take Traffic Lights, trade out 80% of the characters with something far more annoying, have them deliver far worse jokes, and you've basically got Perfect Couples. They definitely have some thematic similarities, but differ a lot in execution. Perfect Couples deserves special mention for having a cutaway joke

Way to name several very different sounding bands, MCS. Frightened Rabbit is the one comparison there I agree with, although I think they do it much better.

I haven't finished a single episode, but I have seen the first 5 or 10 minutes of almost every episode now. Because I'm that lazy. You're right that's not enough to fully evaluate the show or let the characters grow on me (assuming that happens), but I have yet to laugh at a single joke, and most of the characters

Perfect Couples is staggeringly bad. Even my friends with terrible taste ("I just saw this great movie called Valentine's Day…") groan at half the jokes. It honestly might be as hard to watch as Leno was when he was at 10 and everyone was trying extra hard to hate him.

I honestly thought Mumford & Sons' appeal would be too obvious to most people. Their music is big and emotional (with huge climaxes in every. damn. song…) and the lyrics at least sort of seem deep. Their instrumentation is pretty solid. They give the impression of being a smart, raw band while maintaining tons of pop

El Santo - Everything Justin Biber [sic] is newsworthy now. I especially enjoy serious stories about him getting bullied while playing laser tag, or having to endure some homophobic remarks. What a wild life.

I thought Bullock was hilarious in The Blindside. The way she delivered lines like, "no, he's changing mine (life)" absolutely killed.

It will definitely be interesting to see how mac gaming changes in the future. More distribution channels will definitely help, but it will take a bit of a paradigm shift for apple to start pushing out machines with burlier GPUs and mice other than the Magic "carpal tunnel" Mouse. I've heard a number of people tell me

Holy Hand Grenade, I hate when robots select everything and then open their task manager. Or open that blue menu screen, depending. In all seriousness though, that was incredible. Possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen, and I once read a page of YouTube comments.

I can't figure out if we're hating here, or just referencing the episode where Anya makes Buffy never exist. I kinda cringe whenever I realize how many ways its similar to far suckier vampire things, but Buffy does it so damn well.

CluckBucket, are you implying that you're part of this comment section's Genesis? You sneaky bastard.

While this will probably be super badass…
I would have stuck with an ad campaign that left my mom entirely out of the picture.

My thoughts exactly. I had kind of forgotten that I didn't always have to try to like The Decemberists.

Just blood-flavored, colored corn syrup…

I'm not saying I'd do anything, it's just that implication of danger.

You're really enjoying having an incredibly stupid list, aren't you?

To tie the OP's comment about The Assassination of Jesse James back to the present day, everyone should see this if they haven't already.

I think they actually have a cover of this on Yes, Virginia, which came out in 2006, so we can't exactly chalk anything up to poor preparation. I agree it was alright but not great, especially for someone so talented. I actually think her lower register is usually a bit weak, and that's evident on all her albums.

Did any of you actually listen to this song yet? Unsurprisingly, it is some wack-ass bullshit. Probably much closer to a 2010 version of "Bye Bye Bye."