
I like Louie about 3/4 of the time, but sometimes it oversteps funny and real and moves into some truly bleak and depressing stuff. Sorry to any of you who hate (sorry, HATE) that, but I don't find Louie funny or emotionally resonant when it reaches that level. I'd much sooner cite AD as a great comedy that stays

Well that was a wild ride. It's not that it's better to play any of these on my phone than a tv, but I don't have a tv with me all the time. Please don't read my comments as "bitchin phone, suck it bitches." I was trying to communicate something more along the lines of "these look fun, but I'm already wasting the time

^ like.

That's my bet, CanofPineapple. I'm saying Quinn can't die this season because it would be ludicrously improbable for Deb, and Lumen can't die because Rita died last season. If they want to write her out, she'll just leave and go back home or something. But I really do hope she stays.

The Mario games are the only major NES games really worth revisiting. You're absolutely right about Zelda and Metroid being hardly tolerable. But between the SNES, PSX, and GBA, there are an awful lot of great games that still hold up quite well by any standards. Are you holding out hope for iPhone emulators Celebith?

Any bets on how he's going to die?

root - I accept your premise that new games ought to be more rewarding than old ones due to their inherent novelty, but I think it's rarely the case, especially when it comes to phone games. Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, Cut the Rope, etc. are all great diversions, but they are also completely unrewarding on a long-term

Except for Super Mario Bros X. That looks amazing.

I'm way excited by all these, but I just found the emulators for Android, so my free/work/eat/sleep time should all be taken up for the next few years working on those. It's funny how all the rest of the world sort of fades to grey when you have FFVII, Golden Sun, and Pokemon on your phone.

The X-Files
Now there's a show that could have used another 2 or 3 seasons.

True dat. Sunday's episode was what I sat through roughly 6 hours of bullshit for. Well, the start of what I was waiting for at least.

Best idea ever. Let me call Chris and see what we can do.

Where's a man gotta go
to talk about the new Underoath around here? I know they don't exactly fit here, but their new album is spectacular, especially for a band on the verge of pulling a Menudo and completely liquefying its lineup.

Damn hell-ass kings is one of my favorite quotes, whoever mentioned that.

I was pretty much a hater the first time I heard "I walked." But "Age of Adz" (odds, not ads - I feel like they would know that if they'd listened to the song) and "Vesuvius" are the kind of outstanding songs that burrow in and carve out a space for the rest of the album. I'm fully expecting to be completely sold on

Troy and Abed is not the first thing I see when I read "T & A in the AM."

As much as we make fun of Dexter now for triple-underlining every plot point and tiny detail, I was impressed with how quietly it played out Dex's conversation with Lumen. Specifically, when she said she knew Dexter was really a father underneath his cop career and his extracurricular killing activities. I

So 4D, that's where they have 3D images moving through frames in time, right? That sounds wild.

Totally agree here. Even in spite of the rationalization that he's playing off different characters in different songs (which I totally agree with, by the way) his music is still so nasty half the time that I always end up feeling depressed, dirty, and vile. The problem is, he is so damn good I keep coming back

Does this movie also fight the stereotype that superheroes are always getting off their asses and doing things? Because that would be awesome.