
By golly you're right Oskar. I try to disengage my mind while watching stuff like this because it makes things more surprising, but that's a strong hypothesis. Besides, figuring out what's going to happen is cooler than, say, the "next time" reel directly spoiling it, or worse, skipping that part and then reading it

Yeah, it's definitely excitement that's missing. They've moved slow to the point where it's not just total apathy I feel for the other characters, especially Angel y Maria, I actively dislike them. That's new for this show, at least for me. Still, my money's saying that within the next 2 episodes something impressive

I have a new poorly-formed conspiracy theory!
What does it mean that this episode is based on a character named Robert Patrick Modell? Has anyone checked to see if there's a Twin Peaks or a Twilight Zone about someone named David Duchovny Rabin? Or some other AV Club writer's last name?

ahem… *sounds*

That really sound great.

The more I think about it, I really don't care how long it is. I will probably love all of it. The Hobbit is great for being a shorter, lighter Lord of the Rings with a manageable amount of characters that I can actually care about. It could very well translate much more easily to a movie than LotR did.

Congrats on being the least interesting man in the world!

Yeah, that's more like it. That is how I read that sentence the first time though, and had a good time imagining 50 trying to use any words that big. Then I realized that sort of wording seemed a bit incongruous with… well, reality.

"50-cent words like"…
is better read as 50 Cent-like words, "implacable" and "incandescent."

As a rule, any movie that describes itself as movie x meets movie y is a terrible movie. I shudder to think what could possibly come from a trihybrid cross of three such already awful movies.

Dear Jizbam1, I can't even imagine what that song will do to me when I am a father. It seemed pretty relevant during my first summer away from home too though.

You're all right about Casimir Pulaski Day. Love that song. Never actually cried over it though (I promised myself I'd never cry the day I left Frank Lucas High School). Also in the category of songs that sound way less depressing than they are, The Antlers' "Two." Holy shit.

To whomever wrote Ben Folds Five up there, how about Still Fighting It? Now there's a gloriously sad song.

Wow that's pessimistic. Not to say that your theory is completely unfounded, but I'm pretty sure I'd believe anything after watching that. It's spectacular.

Could you please at least hold off on that until tomorrow?

Just you wait - each of my next several comments will be an increasingly pathetic attempt to prove I've still got it.

Step 1
cut a hole in the box…

If I didn't have friends who made me play Halo, I would've played a lot more STALKER by now. It is super badass. I'm pretty anxious to see how the sequel comes out. I can only hope the extra work they'll ideally put into making a fully functional game will make up for the fact that the pc is probably going to get a

good call, columbia
I'd tap that too.

Not exactly. I've never read any of the books, and really have no interest in doing so. It's like Bungie had tried to imply lots of ideas of through the stories in the games and completely failed at creating anything coherent. I recognized maybe 25% of what happens in this video, despite having played all 3 within the