
Uh oh I used to love the reviews but this one was not as interesting to read as I am used to….in other words, I didn't agree with a lot of her points. Lots of people do though it seems? Oh well you can't please 'em all I guess. It's not that it was poorly written or anything. I just didn't care to keep reading it and

But Stefan was fun to watch and Hosea was just such a tool.

Sanitation is really not an issue for Top Chef aka lick and put Chef

I have piercings and tattoos and I was wondering if I had turned fuddy duddy too - but the issue here is that these piercings are just awful.

Yes it is sexist. But still might be true in the context of what you have seen on this show, or may be a confimation bias.

Appearing on this show is a privilege that most chefs don't get. I am certain there are a lot of struggling, talented chefs whose Daddy can't just buy them a restaurant, or who don't have the contacts that come with being the family of a leader of a country. What, she just happened to be the best contestant for that

Now I am scared to watch this in case it tarnishes my love for Gillian Anderson.

Arthur Chu did a IAMA on reddit and said he would write for the AV Club

Casually referenced as though this wasn't already your twisted hobby.

Definitely tabloid fodder, ergo everyone is going to know about it.

I love that you took the time to look this up and post it here.

Shooting themselves in the head over the shame of not being able to drive, most likely.

I get the feeling you have never been to Montreal. Only in Quebec does it.

I was impressed by how many more syllables the Russian language employs than English, assuming the translations were accurate.

I just headed south and learned Spanish instead.

"shoot yourself into me, Clark"

I was just too ashamed to use my broken French.

Whaaaa? More fun than any number of Latin American cities? Our (Canadian) laws are way more strict, for one!

The French language, or the potential to encounter alienating attitudes about it?

I really couldn't feel relaxed a la Las Vegas levels due to a vaguely uncomfortable lingering self-awareness at being an Anglophone.