
It's just pussy for fuck's sake = It's just ***** for fuck's sake

Plus how FUCKED she'll be for spying for him.

Gender Equity? Why don't you want to do something that matters?

She's clearly her mother's daughter. As a teen I think I just would have normalised my parents behaviour.

Wait, Rob Ford was set up?

I think that was a part of the reason they included the line.

…a caricature? Really? Was it the scene of her on the receiving end of oral sex? That was a little much but then again TV seems to think that all women react that way to a little tongue action.

Is it the actress, the character, or her situation that you find unpleasant?

For some reason I am picturing a spin-off with Martha as a spurned lover gone renegade…with her pistol strapped to her thigh, on a vigilante mission….yeah good thing I am not a screenwriter.

I love how my little nitpicks are usually revealed to be misplaced with this show. For example, when Philip was rifling through that house, I kept thinking "put on your gloves!" but then it's clear they weren't necessary.

Sixty nining, that takes dedication.

I was going to say, this is the first legitimate criticism of the show I've personally encountered….but was it really clear that this was their first viewing?

They're both fucking great, it's nice to see complex female characters portrayed in an interesting manner.

A golden moment to be sure, just slyly thrown in there.

Yes, this is especially irksome and seemingly inevitable. I guess some writers are just uncomfortable with the idea of a career woman, not to mention abortion.

It would be an especially dark turn for Phillip to kill Martha at the end of the season. I like her well enough, but I want this to happen before she turns into a Rita. Plus I like dark turns.

Ah, that makes sense, it had some people here questioning things.

The word naivete has multiple correct spellings when used in the English language. Regardless, your black and white viewpoint is admirable for its vehemence and consistency.

Don't get you knickers in a twist. I made a reference to a FBI murder, albeit a subtle one. Stan shoots the Russian lad point blank in the head after consoling him with a burger and fries. They even refer to it within this episode.

I know I am not supposed to sympathise with any particular side, and that our home-making spy friends are also multiple murderers, but damn Elizabeth sure kicks ass and I like watching her do it. I never thought I would appreciate what Kerri Russel can bring to a role like I do in this show. I just love how she slips