
It was a telling moment of the quality of comedy and exquisite pacing of the show.

This is fucking hilarious if a) that's the assumption coreyt made and b) coreyt's is not a troll comment

Be cautious with anti-Santiago sentiment later on, evidently there's a whole sub-culture of commenters who think she's endearing.

Fucking disqus fucks don't fucking show edits properly at times. Where is the appropriate place to spew such venom?

PedoBear Premonition Proclivities.

Your naivete about the FBI and the inner workings of the American government is….cute? With a burger and fries?

Great review, I was worried after that strange pre-airing thingy.

Now I am curious if this show will/has passed the Bechdel test.

She explicitly states the only thing that matters to her is Holt's opinion of her, or some variation of this sentiment, repeatedly throughout the show. Pathetic, and not charming at all in my book. Plus, did you watch the episode with her cooking and home decor? Eek. Strength, independence, creativity - I feel those

Free speech isn't dead here…..yet. Kudos to the champions of free speech (such as yourself).

Fucking disqus fucks don't fucking show edits properly at times. Where is the appropriate place to spew such venom?

This criticism hits the nail on the head when it comes to Alicia's privileged duplicity.

She is officially the most annoying pregnant person ever. It's women like her who set a low bar for pregnancy in the workplace and it just reinforces stereotypes that once the fetus has lodged inside, women can't concentrate on anything but poptarts and toilet bowls.

Welcome to the comments section for TGW, enjoy your stay!

We shall make a solemn pact to spread the news here should we find a suitable replacement.

Music Anthropology. I want to make fun of you just a little, but secretly am fascinated.

OK, the latter is a bit confusing, but you've never been so engrossed in a repetitious task that it takes over your subconscious in the pre-slumber moments? No? Anyone?

Sabres, so it can end a la Desperado. Though disemboweling knives do keep with the theme of Dexter…touche, monsieur, touche.

It's all in jest, though we are doomed to be pop culture enemies from here on in.

I guess I am one of the minority-class underprivileged people who are inevitably so very bored by romantic subplots. Unless it involves someone I have a crush on of course, then it's like soft-core porn. But that's for another thread.