
Okay, I am detecting a theme that you like romantic subplots. You are the demographic they are catering to! Don't tell me, you like babies too? Noooo!

Potential romances? You really think Diaz could possibly ever be attracted to a creepy weiner like Boyle? She likes one night stands in Montreal, not foodie stalkers! (No disrespect to the actor who plays Boyle, he runs with it really well). I can't picture her character suddenly feeling carnal towards him. He is the

I haven't found another show.comments section that cultivates the same delicious sense of betrayal.. The Dome is good to hatewatch but there was never any loyalty to betray. These things take time, I suppose.

Ugh, Nina has enough privileges in life, give someone whose Daddy wasn't the ruler of a country a chance, but c'mon, the winner just screams doofus.

I still miss this page.

They could've killed everyone, I would've only laughed.

Given recent events, I have to say I agree, though before all that creepy child rape/ underage non consensual sex stuff I thought it was the land of East Coast chill vaguely elfish folk….

I have poked my head in here, the best comments section ever, to reveal that I didn't ever actually watch the last episode of Dexter (too painful) but it didn't stop me from ripping it apart. That takes a special type of series finale. Miss y'all!

How do I make those balloons that pop up when I hover even for a millisecond over a username? Please for the love of spaghetti somebody tell me….

What are you even going on about? Yes Harper is a liar but he has nothing to do with our universal health care…

Matryoshka doll of downvotes on your downvote until the nesting comments limitations fold in on themselves.

I grudgingly concede she has somehow made her character suck a little less, but she seems so one-noted and cliche, (another woman totally defined by a man, how original) and I do in part blame the actress. What is the appeal that people seem to find in her? I ask in all seriousness. Has she been in something else

Argh you seriously thought creating the budding romantic undertones between Paralta and annoying goodie cop Santiago is a sound decision for the writers to make? Why do shows always need to do this? Talk about tropes.

I must be broken because I laughed harder than I have in a while. Strange how that goes. My humour as of late tends to be more gutter if that makes a difference when contemplating humour comparisons…

Melissa Fumero, a real find…..

Extremely not cool spoiling another show.

OK, thank you, I was wondering why this review was so off kilter. It actually made very little sense to me in parts and I just marathoned season 1.

I disagree with the content of your statement while marvelling at its style.

I thought I recalled in another season there was time for some prep and research but now I wonder if I am making that up?

It usually takes a lot of effort and preening to maintain a good looking veneer, time that could be spent on honing skills besides being a douchebag.