
What the hell, I thought I replied to this already - is New Disqus eating comments?

Delete - new disqus hiccups

I'd trade Mrs Hanks' septum for Blake's douchebaggery any day….actually maybe I am lying, even as I type it, it seems wrong.

I also wondered these things - maybe they decided to drop the Jackie sex themes/granny porn angle for some underage Graceface

Yeah, universal healthcare sucks
Just ask the rest of the developed world (I don't know why I bit at this particular Obamacare rant out of the thousands randomly littering the forum boards, but hey)

Ctrl + F and enter your username helps for me

I think we call it proroguing or something, and Harper really likes to do it

I am taking the high road and saying read the fucking feedback then! Put your money where your mouth is, because this formatting changed the AV Comments section from Gucci to Walmart.

Gee that was predictable. I wouldn't mind if I knew who they were so I could internet feud as god intended.

Ok, a week or so in, and I am ready to say this new system takes much of the joy away from commenting here.

Maple syrup points for Corner Gas reference, and knowing who robot-Harper's robot-wife is. Do you mean Pierre Trudeau's kid (not Mulroney), or am I missing something?

I thought the woman from last week was more dumb than ignorant - and it was the bio parents who brought the case so she isn't really to blame IMO. I was a little confused why this case had the potential to harm Diane so much (this is what the show told us) - just the whiff of a scandal is enough to tank her judgeship?

So ironic, and so true.

Four hot older men, I hope ;)

I don't think she enjoyed guns at all - she needed one because of a threat to her life but rejected it in the end, preferring being 'unprotected' to having a gun around.

To even compare Palin and Diane makes my toes curl, but I get where you are coming from. It just threw me for a loop and made me feel a little strange about his character, to tell you the truth. A right wing gun nut into hot younger women, who are into him as well. Definitely someone's fantasy being played out here.

Even though I live in a really small town where everyone kinda hangs out together, and my partner is almost 20 years older than me, it still seems strange. My close friends are all in my demographic though. It is indeed the 'only' part that confuses me. Where are all of his teaparty pals?

I think Alicia thinks she is morally superior, regardless of the truth of the matter. It comes with her social privilege.

Except they are not easy to make - traumatizing, embarrassing, potentially career ending

I'm uncomfortable just reading your post, so I would have to agree. Although my university program was pretty much all uptight traditional conservatives.