
But it's not just a coincidence that all of his friends are young and super hot. Feeding his man-ego, maybe?

But Kalinda has been shown in other episodes to not lie under oath (e.g. the Blake/doctor beating/drug bad guy case), and I really don't think she would lie in this case. She has almost nothing to gain and lots to lose by lying.

It is pretty odd that a 50 something year old man's only friends are young, hot, and female……..fantasy of one of the writers, maybe?

Why do they need an Asian on the show?

And it's not like Alicia can take the ethical high horse here, stealing files and conspiring against her partners and all that.

Plus I think she was just crazy. What was with her talking to Alicia in the beginning of the episode, ostensibly deciding what to do?

Viola's character is just so repugnant. She's Tom Hanks' wife, no? It's no coincidence that she and that Gummer gal are the worst characters on the show. I just cannot stand their scenes - I know some characters are meant to be abrasive but they are just awful actors in every way.

Chill out dude

blah blah blah jesus blah blah look into yourself Dexter blah blah jesus

I agree - especially re the ethics (which I have posted about elsewhere) and making D Lewis a bit boring this episode.

What happened to the Virgil in the van and his creepy brother? I liked them

Thank you for explaining your perspective

She seemed pretty lucid to me this episode, and that 'help' is more like 'we'll mentally torture you while holding you against your will"


OK I can see why you would question a statement saying that he is a magical computer tech - you know he isn't really. I was speaking from an uninformed "hey I've heard of Linux" place :)

I was referring to the show in its totality, like for example when Zach fixed the IT problem a powerful law firm couldn't address on their own

Yes - there were definitely pedo undertones I thought - not at first but by about halfway through the episode

I've just never known anyone to be able to create a phrase they hadn't directly learned in a foreign language after a few weeks, especially when they are not immersed (memorizing phrases sure, but not sentence construction). Then again many of us hated the useless mandatory French class so much that it shut our brains

It's not that I mind the portrayal - heck, most Canadians are happy just to have their country noticed in the first place :)

Many people in Latin America seek to learn English at any opportunity. It's beneficial for a myriad of reasons and most cannot afford private lessons, from my experience anyway. Plus she's cute.