
Does the tower have internet access? I've never known anyone to pick up a language after a few weeks of travelling, myself.

She did not demonstrated symptoms that would validate a prolonged involuntary commitment! Her bitch sister really should have known that as a physician. There are specific criteria and ongoing assessments that need to occur and Carrie most certainly would have insisted upon them. Acting "crazy" does not in itself

Thank you for responding. I guess I don't tend to generalise the actions of over a billion people, and if I were to, it would be more along the lines of most people are tempted by 10 million dollars/hate terrorism. Although I don't know a lot about muslims I really don't think the dominant view is that the USA is pure

This is why I love this show! Her character remains compelling even as she grows less sympathetic.

that made me laugh more than it should have

It managed to be at once tense and boring, but I still enjoyed the ride

at least she gets to do arts and crafts, all crazy people like arts and crafts

It's pretty thin that gangsters who would facilitate pedophilia would not cash in on a 10 million dollar bounty, but maybe there are larger political issues that drive them.

Maybe they traffic children too

ahh that makes sense, I enjoyed reading your insight into why Brody kept on trying to 'escape' even though it is futile

Yeah Brody doesn't really seem to be getting it lately


I wondered the same things. It was stressful almost. Do you think the writers are deliberately portraying Brody as making unwise choices?

He and Hannah have the same disguise guy.

I inadvertently responded to this question just now in its own post - I am glad you asked here, it validated my rant.

I don't usually make note of cinematography but the shots of that tower were amazing, reminded me a bit of Baraka

We just need a double-header and we'll be set!

People are actually quite resilient to gunshots, more than one would expect. It doesn't really take anything fancy to treat a gunshot that hasn't obliterated any major organs. I would worry about infection though. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov…

I thought you meant the bitch nurse in the hallway - she was worse, according to standards of practice and codes of ethics. But yeah it did seem unlikely that a nurse would put her ass on the line for a patient like that.

I thought he was headed to Canada, presumably to make sweet sweaty lumberjack love to Dexter. I am not sure how he got down south.