
emo drama is not entertaining for most adults

I think he says something like "You are not a Muslim, you are a terrorist".

@Todd VanDerWerff I enjoyed your review as always - thank you for reliable insight into my favourite TV shows. I must react to one point that bothered me (this is the AV Club after all) - you ask why would the doctor listen to Carrie, his patient? Because it is the cornerstone of medical training to listen to your

We wondered the same thing - I was too lazy to rewind it but I thought he might have touched or carressed the boy's hand when they were fixing Brody midway through the show. I think it is being implied regardless. Brody should kill the doctor if that is the case.

It did get a little headhachy watching Brody's intenseface for the umpteenth time.

I need to scrub my brain with acid now!

You can't see who downvotes? That's even worse! I know I am being repetitive but it really kills an aspect of the AV Club that I love. Humans just can't help but be assholes if tempted to over and over again with that downvote button.

Agggh those scenes with the psychiatrist just made my toes curl I wanted so punch him so hard…..It's really losing me in the fact that there is no way (outside of CIA influence) that Carey would be involuntarily admitted and denied visitor access given her mental health state.

I wonder if there is some learned person who could replace the upvote and downvote words with Like and Ironically Dislike? (I am totally plagarising this idea from another commenter but it bears repeating methinks)

"It seems clear at this point that the tainting of his legacy is the only punishment he'll ever receive. Let that live forever."

Yes this is completely brilliant. I have already wanted to ironically downvote several times. Any AV Club staffers out there?

Carey to Alicia: But you will always be under Will!

Yeah that bugged me too - Couldn't Diane trade some favour with the reporter to kill the already-completed interview? There must be some sort of carrot she could have dangled, or a story more interesting than a corrupt lawyer. She's Diane! She can do anything!

Well, we lost our pagination feature and highlighted posts, so that's a plus!

Do they block Tor Browser? Would that make a difference?

I totally

Liking something just seems more appropriate than upvoting
Kinda changes it from a nice little compliment to a popularity contest

Me too. But I just discovered the joys of Ctrl + F then searching for my username to find my posts.

"We’ll encourage people to ignore the down-voting button"

We probably all agree that the situation didn't really have a good outcome if the fetus did have those defects. Surrogacy has a lot of novel ethical implications that we are only beginning to wrap our brains around I think.