Adults do it too. I think it's just a part of being human.
Adults do it too. I think it's just a part of being human.
Westboro Baptist Church is to Christians as fundies are to Muslims?
That yummy yummy line was some of the best TV ever
I thought he had been there a lot longer than Dana, and if so, that would be some crazy foresight.
or with Dexter in Saskatchewan
Hollywood et al. aren't exactly known for their balanced representation of women and non-white/non-Christian people. For me it is more the lack of care (as pointed out by viewers here) to the minutia of Arabic and Muslim cultures, but the discussion of brown characters being represented as one dimensional is kind of…
I know we are supposed to view Saul's rant as intolerant and it certainly did come across that way, but I don't think that criticism of religion is as off limits as everyone else seems to think. (Are headscarves a religious thing?). I mean, what if I worked as a nurse at an abortion clinic and wore a big catholic…
Teenage sex scenes are gross unless you are also a teenager, full stop.
That would be the worst hell - being right and no one believes you, every action being interpreted as proof of crazy when just the opposite is true. I got a tension headache just thinking about it. Then her family sabotaging her right before her trial….I seriously want to punch her sister in the face. What a…
Yeah, I agree, but she should grow some balls if she is going to work for the CIA.
She seemed to be psychotically fake crying into the phone….she knows it is the family line, right? Or am I just forgetting how fun dating in high school was?
When Person of Interest started airing, my partner - who is a bit of a conspiracy aficionado - said this is what is happening already and I scoffed at the insanity of the scope of such surveillance. Now he gloats when we watch it, I was so wrong……
She doesn't have time for high school guys, but she does for high school girls apparently!
At least Google is a little clever inasmuch as it has an etymology in the linguistics of mathematics, whereas ChumHum sounds like getting a blowjob from your good buddy. Not that I knew what a googol was before Google.
haha I know what you mean, I feel the same way about Grace (and as a latecomer to the show, Wesley from STNG hits the same note). I want to hate Becca's scenes and I agree with what you say, but I can't help it, I am entertained by her blatant manipulation. She has balls.
And I thought the opening of last week's episode was brutal - it had nothing on the NSA scene!
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus That brawl is fucking amazing, I wish we weren't such pussies in Canada
I had to look it up to really believe it…
My oh my. We have diametrically opposed views on this matter. My response is essentially exactly the opposite of yours - where you say she is strong, I say weak. I have the good fortune to know a lot of strong women and calling Rita a strong woman is frankly insulting to strong women everywhere. Rita does not…
She gives us real bitches a bad name.
If you look into the void long enough…….