
Yet somehow she managed to look not cool. That takes talent!

slag of tapioca….I have no idea what that means but I like it

OK good, order is restored! Phew.

Probably true.

@avclub-943bed14192fee046510105155dd9073:disqus Points for honesty. I've had post-snark-regret syndrome before but I don't know if I am woman enough to admit it. Here goes anyway: I re-read your comment and I see it could be construed more than one way so it seems I jumped the gun there. It's really not out of line at

She is portrayed as being of high school age in the TV show, even though she is legal, which is why it is borderline creepy as opposed to all get out creepy. No one I know was checking out high school students in their 20's. Who knows. Maybe I have leftover creep vibes from people calling Grace hot.

I am curious to know who a character is who earns it then (which I don't believe is mutually exclusive with plot demands). She sure put a lot of work into it in Season 1, I thought - check out all that stuff they discovered in her apartment. That didn't come from nowhere. Then again I am known for semi retarded levels

It was actually really well done until the mid-end of season 2 believe it or not

Well, Brody did escape to Canada, where we are all lumberjacks with excellent health care apparently…..

So she can flash her titties

No doubt! Plus she is really hot (for her age? is that ok to say?)

Thank you, my university notes were pretty disordered based on these standards.

I feel spoilered by this, now some of the tension is gone from his scenes


Brody's getting all the health care he needs in Canada though

Those rehab places ban sexy-times between patients

We're all mentally ill.

There was a huge audience including Saul's wife I believe

I hate how TV deals with death - people almost never die like that and most even survive being shot. But maybe not by a black ops agent with good aim. Still, I think you would have to shoot someone in the head to kill them instantaneously, even a decapitated head is still conscious for a few seconds.

Liked for no fucks given, way to stand strong. I would like her except I feel like smacking her face every time she puts her hands over her mouth when she is talking or fails to move her lips when attempting to articulate.