
Just because I don`t agree with you doesn`t mean I guilty of revisionism. I have always thought Rita was weak (though compared to Hannah, I have warmed to her a bit). Perpetual nagging is not tantamount to harsh criticism. She did take him back despite all he had done, and that is weak, not harsh. Going to counselling

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus No more terrible than her terrible proselytizing (though the suggestion was somewhat sarcastic).
When did people comment on her being attractive?  She's still underage now!
I liked the actress when she was younger in other shows (X-men threatening to kill a guard as

I am confused as to why spambot''s comments get responses about being Jewish….also why isn't this user banned? Flagged for spambotting.

@disqus_AYZDOZAM7B:disqus Wow if Rita's meek complaints are your version of extreme criticism you must know some really nice people.

@avclub-9621bf642a356f5698546a5902246d4f:disqus haha  ya you are right. Oh well Peter had it coming I suppose. He doesn't even flinch about the loss! Must be  nice.

A deferred dream is one thing. But the way it was portrayed was as though it was something she has always worked toward or had been paramount in her life. She clearly prioritised having children, as is emphasised  throughout the show, and now she wants her cake too. I guess as a career woman I know how hard one has to

That is the best response to a discussion on veganism I have ever heard. As such I may need to plagarise it sometime.

You guys can slap me around a bit, I thought Moby only did original songs.

@avclub-7445cdf838e562501729c6e31b06aa7b:disqus  The seasons didn't have any time lapse between them so this transformation seemed extra magical/contrived.

If you slog through the 12 pages of this episode's comments and the previous weeks' as well, the reasons are pretty clearly spelled out - most significantly, there is ample evidence in the form of interviews with the writers that the writers thought Dexter was a hero and wanted to portray him as such. We complain

Not only was that disgusting, I am wondering why the producers want to push her as being 'hot'. My partner joked that it is for all of the sixteen year old boys watching this show.

Spoilerphobic spectrum = phrase of the week (well, after 'we need anal')

Oh god I shut my eyes and block my ears for those things, I hate the spoilers.

I admit I was disappointed they copped out, but I didn't know it was based somewhat on a real case.

I wonder what happens to her huge buy-in to the firm if she walks?

When did we see his legs? His hair is obviously fabulous but I don't recall legs. Is it wrong that I think he's sexy?

Grace and Zach should not have grown up in the millisecond between the last season's final episode and this episode…..as you can see this point bugs me. Mostly because I can't stand the Florrick children.

For some reason it severely creeped me out. But now I know it's to enable people with disabilities I feel a bit like an ass for thinking that.

So Alicia working on a case might actually hurt, because they can't call in favours they otherwise might be able to, due to the risk of impropriety.

I think Alicia needs to be called down.