
I think Will referred to Original Cary as Cary Cary.

This was a fun episode. I am glad it's still top quality in most regards. There were a few leaps of faith as pointed out by the reviewer, and I am still not sure how Kalinda convinced the snitch to take the stand (do I need to rewatch?). Definitely the most entertained I have been from TV in a while.

She's 16 and just beginning to receive male attention? I guess she is  pretty blah but still, that's a late bloomer.

Do you have work experience in the entertainment industry? It's an interesting perspective, and not one I had really considered before I read your most recent rant. I l like reading people's critiques and insight based on different training they might have, like people calling BS on their use of technology etc.

It's the home page for the student association from St Mary's University in Nova Scotia. I hear they have a catchy chant that goes with it, too.

Nunc opus est quod ani

I agree with you on most points, but I thought the music was atrociously bad. I have really enjoyed how they used music on this show in the past, and have even compiled an unofficial playlist for myself to enjoy, but they didn't even spring for any notable songs this episode and instead had this heavy-handed orchestra

Yeah, I hear you, there were some really powerful scenes in the beginning of season 2  but I am worried about the whole *possible spoilers* insufferable romance aspects taking over the show. The good thing is, maybe it will give rise to entertaining comments here at the AV Club. There is no replacement for

Maybe we need to have a re-watching Dexter forum or something….I personally laughed at some things I missed the first time around on the re-watch, mostly about Dexter being lauded as a great father who loves his son so much.

Awwww man, I just had a visual of them opening the bag to find Deb's rotting corpse. Well I think the crabs would eat her first, no? Uh oh I might have just opened the door for crass jokes here.

I just can't think of any other shows that will bring this level of satisfaction to comment on….maybe if Homeland tanks?

Ted Crisp is not!  But that Meredith chick sure is boooooring. The actress lacks charisma.

I shouldn't like her but I do (tho I haven't watched since season 3.) Please scold some sense into me.

There's a void in my Sunday nights now (for the forums, not the show). Where shall we reconvene?

Agree! Although some evil part of me now prefers to comment on shows I can snark on, those Dexter forums were quite addictive.
I'll be back once I actually watch it. Looking forward to this season with you all.

ya think? (sarcasm for Buck, not you)

Long live his autoerotic asphyxiation reenactment.

The live action better? What? Enemies!

There's something about a comment removed that makes me want to read it even more.

Yes, but the smart people know they are watching something dumb, whereas the dumb people don't know or probably even think it's smart.