
Ohhhh that's where the socio comes from…I thought people were being clever and calling Dexter a sociopath instead of a psychopath but this makes a lot more sense.

I didn't know rancid turds were bittersweet.

Y'know, audience cheering might have made this season more bearable. I think you are onto something here.

Hear, hear.

You didn't think his constant proselytising was tiresome?

Sweet mutherfuck. I looked up Dahmer after the eating children comment and I really wish I hadn't. Holes in the head? Filled with acid? Jesus frankenfuck christ. It's like all the sickest parts of Dexter rolled into one with a heap of demonjuice on top.

City is an exile, nobody knows who you are. Everyone knows who you are in Northern Saskatchewan or any other rural area.

What's a Japs stupid giggle?

Another victim of the brain surgeon! He struck early with Batista.

La Pasion!

I want to like, but I hate.

So he's dead the first time he combs his hair then.

Masuka's daugher dry humps La Guerta's bench on her lunch breaks.

I didn't notice the glorious underwear Masuka was wearing during that scene, but the still image you provided captures his leopard print thong perfectly :)

This takes me back to the internet commenters making me loose faith in humanity discussion from last week. What. The. Fuck.

fuck yeah

Hijo de setenta mil putas….we can't relive the horror, Chief Matthews, it's just too much. You'll have to remain in the dark. In the precious, ignorant bliss.

But…..the ONE thing he would have changed about the show? He drank his own kool-aid, methinks, if that is the biggest flaw he could come up with.

The only reason she needed that support was because Dexter did awful things to her life (even though she didn't realise it at the time). If I steal your car, blow it up, and piss in your shoes, but offer you a rusted bike to borrow, am I a good friend?

Definitely yes.