
My brain hurts after reading this. Oh god make it stop.

@Kumagoro:disqus or pennies!

You aren't allowed to like it if I don't like it.

liked for its esoterics, though I am not sure what that means either

Nope, you'll be terminal from all those nasty chemicals so you will be fine.

@avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus we discontinued our penny, sorry.


Many nurses would not abandon their patients.

I especially love the hatred for Harrison. God I hope Hannah kills him with fire after she poisons him.
I bet that little fucker even got paid extra for saying lines. Best to have left him as a creepy little voiceless fucker.

@avclub-1df8797177fc3b52be6784aacca7358c:disqus And their views are remarkably similar, always there to defend 'each other'.
I may be schizophrenic but at least I have eachother.

To quote you a week ago: "I get the feeling Quinn might be the next Dexter". Busted. Sorry to say it, but my memory is pretty good, despite all my attempts to the contrary.

I still haven't forgiven her for making fun of the Freddie Mercury avatar either, or for calling us all pseudo intellectuals for not liking what Dexter turned into. Petty grudges are good for the soul.

Good synopsis…I agree with basically everything you said, except I the part about Deb (I thought she was great throughout).

MCH said in a recent TV guide interview that the one thing he would have changed was to have Dexter kill Trinity's son in Season 6. Seriously.

@Kumagoro:disqus OK thanks, I thought I they had left that one ambiguous. I'm due for a rewatch anyway, I miss Deb already….fuckity fuck.

You pretended that was your own prediction, with Quinn taking over as the big bad, I believe.

You speak with authority on this matter.

We established a while back that Harrison is racist.

Or that all people die immediately after being shot, with one last breath then eyes fixed and glazed. Fuck I check everything like three times before I pronounce. I still have daymares about a patient waking up in the morgue after I sign the death paperwork.

I think he used LaGuerta somehow to be reinstated so he could get his full pension, last season.