
8. Masuka's daughter's tits

Aargh I feel annoyed on your behalf, that sucks donkey balls! Thanks for the re-write though, and your happy little avatar keeps me smiling.

So the reviewer, hundreds of viewers who rated this show, and 99% of the weekly commenters are all wrong but you are right. That's how it works in your head I guess, eh?

Hey, if you live in Sask, you deserve all the smiles you can get.

1) pigshead is deficient, your sentence is correct
2) yeah right fatvirgin is 15

Scott Buck doesn't have a soul.

I am ashamed of myself. Maybe there needs to be a sign-in-public wearing shaming meme for people who watched Dexter until the end.

The holocaust just gets all the press. There's lots of nasty episodes throughout history to draw upon if that one's too touchy.

Hey now, he expressed many of his own gripes too this season (which I thoroughly enjoyed) .

I was feeling the same way. I was finally rockin' in the the shallow end of the cool kids club, now I am awash in a sea of snark and I can't hope to keep up…

These reviews stand out and are more entertaining than the rest of what I have found on the internet (maybe you could recommend someplace better). Do you want it to be the same banal writing found elsewhere? Why not visit sites with reviews that you enjoy reading?

The reviews and comments are far more inspiring than most of what is on TV.

It's pretty fucking awesome that cute almost balances out serial killer for you in the list of yays and nays when planning on who to date.

I'm getting the comments and the show mixed up….Was it established that Harry did kill himself? Maybe it was something Vogel said which I therefore was ignoring.

petulantly always looks like flatulently to me

It's kind of disappointing that you popped up to respond to one of the least insightful comments here. But it was a pretty funny response. Which I just got. So nevermind.

Is there any child you think is not adorable? I would really like to know.

@ This is the second time Joshua's colon has been mentioned. Just thought I would point that out.

They must be psychopaths.

All our opinions are biased and uninformed. I'll drink to that!