
"The internet doesn't have corners"
Uh oh. Where do I go to now that this is over, then?

Maybe they'll have a baby. Hey I hear that Dexter kid needs a job.

@avclub-19f469345d08a4d3c223d6e440cb7261:disqus OK, I have to give respect to that retort.

fuckin' wasted the bandwidth on this season,

Why the hell do you read his reviews then? There are multiple corners of the internet where your views would be popular I am sure. Do you just come here to flaunt how different your opinion is from the people who have different opinions?

Vic's fate was worse than death.

Don't come here then.

Scrappy crappy teepee trees, not warrior west coast trees.

It's like the Poe's law of acting.

Best intro paragraph ever.


Yes, our own opinions matters to ourselves more than other people's opinions when it comes to entertainment….is this somehow shocking or wrong?

I would have liked it but I could not get over the awful hairdye streaky thing on Mary-Louise Parker

Where should people who think that Dexter has taken an unforgivable nosedive be able to chat about it then, if not the AV Club?

please please please please please let this happen

might be a browser issue

OK, I don't know how to ask this without sounding like a tard, but - I am sincerely curious as to why this event with Miley is a crazy big deal? It's like it has caused widespread panic in middle America. I watch a lot of TV n movies n such, but I've never had cable so could someone please explain it to me like I am a

sarcastic I hope?

Yes, and it is a disgrace to actual victims of pedophelia in my opinion.What a total fucktard.

I am more entertained by this episode's review than the actual episode itself. My partner, who is usually astute, even forgot who Vogel was for a moment when they were reminiscing about her, because it didn't fit that everyone was so upset about this random psychiatrist lady. They seemed more upset about Vogel than