
I like that Dexter tried to leave his own going away party 10 minutes after it started.

I took it back! Takebacks!

@avclub-f70fed7d681f918c8f4a492c21e5f704:disqus  What, then, would you say is an accurate definition of satire, and what does it mean to accurately call something satirical?

Wow, that is beautiful, breathtaking, sublime. You have rocks of steel to filter through all of that. There's some fine editing there as well (I can barely make a GIF), too bad Dexter's crew weren't hiring!

Oh, dear god

To respond to the updated part of your question @avclub-dce30c315211fbb1ef26b57976f30ec9:disqus You are the one that called it an "elaborate [sic] satirical post", not me.

@avclub-dce30c315211fbb1ef26b57976f30ec9:disqus Well, as long as we are being pedantic…Even though a Google search will reveal a Wikipedia snippet that correlates with your literary definition of satire (without having to click on the link, even!), further investigation reveals that multiple definitions of the word

Thank you for your reply. (edited out the part where I establish real non first-world significance problems, too bleak for these forums). I am glad we can get along even if we remain pop-culture enemies (to plagarize another commenter).

I find it a little odd that you are upset when commenters hate on the writers, who will probably never read this, yet have no problem insulting me, a real person who does read this. Can't we all just get along?

Satire is by definition witty.

Somehow this is really dark. (Flashbacks to the sad parts of the Lion King).

Enormous amounts of high caloric, saturated fat vapour is pumped into Miami Metro. Everyone gets fat and moves to Mississippi.

@disqus_QDJByw5eZ2:disqus  I really let it flow there, sorry about that. You were the unfortunate recipient of seven seasons of Maddie-rage all built up. Even as I was typing it I could feel it getting out of control but I just couldn't stop, it was so cathartic. You seem like a really nice person who can empathise

This type of thinking will only make you crazy, NonchalantBlueberry. Kill the mindworm now before it takes you over for good, or we will find you years later watching infinitely looping FlashForward reruns, rocking back and forth in the corner muttering to yourself. I recommend tincture of The Americans, or perhaps

I love-hated Season 6 at the time (Colin Hank's eyebrows) but I was still somewhat scintillated by the (wait for it) tableaus. I am also pretty much the only person who didn't see the Gellar as a Ghost plotline coming so there was the added suspense of seeing Adama play the big bad in the finale. Overall I was

How is the hurricane possibly a metaphor for Dexter's biological mother?

Just because we use hyperbole in our criticisms doesn't mean that we are fickle and have a problem with short term memory. We're just having fun and releasing steam. Why do the defenders of this season inevitably seem to personally attack those who don't think it is good quality, whereas most of the critics just enjoy

I guess your opinion is popular given Dexter's ratings. I just have a really, really, really different take on it. If you are truly curious, take the time to read this season's comments in their entirety. I think the reasons we feel betrayed by Dexter are pretty thoroughly and explicitly spelled out and it would

@avclub-177052c67a12dd354e594921272df12c:disqus Finally! You have unlocked the mystery! Clearly Hannah is in disguise - no black bra visible. See? The writers are more clever than we think!

@avclub-dce30c315211fbb1ef26b57976f30ec9:disqus But those were the writers from Season 1, who have since been supplanted by replicants who have no concept of how people, forensic science, or treadmills work.