
Hmmm….they wouldn't believe him if they had even a shred of investigative skill. So yes, they probably would believe him.

Like a Momento-Dexter crossover?

Confusing revenge forms the foundational principles of my identity.

Haha I think you might be right. I was so biased by the Shield that I completely overlooked the skinemax quality to his acting in Dexter. Could it be that he gets how bad it is and no one else does?

ahhh finally got it

Season 5 is pretty fucking fantastic though.

sometimes using the @ symbol then waiting brings up users names to select to respond to, bypassing the limitations of nested replies.

(Dexter: Seasons 1 to 7) + (Dexter: Season 8) = zero

Far north.

I do. I hate her with venom so strong it could rot through my TV screen and slap her right in her ciggy infested face, so you should probably stop reading now because oh god here it comes I have to let it all out…. She came across as naggy shrew-hag - I do not characterise women as being judgemental douchebags so I

Damn I missed the Pitbull part! Now I need to rewatch. Curse you.

Agree with those below. I laughed several times, sometimes even at intentional humour, and MCH was actually doing some great acting then. The sidekick cast were still decent. Heck I almost even miss Rita.

@avclub-177052c67a12dd354e594921272df12c:disqus Blasphemy! Saul's beard will save us all!

Dexter - "Jamie, will you tell Harrison that he does a good job combing his hair?"

I can see why you might think that, but her eyes are damn transfixing and I like her (former) character. I think she's the most attractive woman on the show so far.

Holy shit here we have to do all the clerical and security crap as well and I always thought it was ridiculous to pay nurses' wages for this type of stuff. They even teach us some homegrown self defense techniques like taking down a patient with a mattress if need be. We can beat you up if you get out of hand, then

It's like you reach into the recesses of my mind, run my thoughts through an inverse portal, and post what comes out the other side.

Filming patients violates a fuckton of  privacy laws in most parts of the world.

I must have missed something major here and I admit I have mind-body separation randomly while watching Dexter, but….what jewels? They have been referred to here before and I feel left out.

I misread spoiler as soiler. Given this is Dexter, the latter rings more true.