
Will Ghost Harry become the Ghost of Ghost Harry now?

Someone last week pointed out that even a good actor would do shitty work if paid enough and I disagreed, hoping there was more integrity to the craft. I take it back.

"emotional retards with mild concussions trying to hold in farts"
This is sublime, touching, poetic. You do the English language justice, Lemoncakes.


They''re saving it for the finale.

On the one hand, I feel like a douche for not reading this comment before plagiarizing it. On the other hand, I am glad that I wasn't the only one to think this way. Notice Dexter's nipples are getting hard?

That picture makes me wonder if (Ghost) Harry and Dexter have a thang going on. Dexter is adopted after all so it's not technically gross, right?

Great, just when I got images of Scott Buck masterbating violently out of my head, you give me the image of  Vince Gilligan laughing like a demented hyena to fester over.

That is exceptionally disturbing.

Is monkey a euphemism?

Thanks, I was wondering if the U.S.A. had just completely abandoned all concepts of privacy including patient confidentiality. This is kind of a trope - fear that going to the hospital will result in the police being called. In most parts of Canada there are very strict guidelines around disclosure of patient

All he needs is a hot pink dress and he's good to go!

I think it was an effective way to show what she will put up with for Mother Russia, and ties in with her ability to detach herself from what she is doing/emotionally distance herself. Plus I always enjoy vengeance type scenes where the rapist gets it in the end.

I'm almost embarrassed for Scott Buck.

Well most psychiatrists/psychologists are pretty nuts themselves so this actually makes some sense…..And if they thought they couldn't change adults they'd pretty much be out of a job, so there's that. And like you said, he killed her other son/his brother so she should have been like GTFO motherfucker. Be Boop.

I would agree but…..at least Colin Hanks was good for a laugh and I was entertained even if it was bad. This season is just so dreadfully boring, don't you think?

We've all been there, dude.

I avoided this show due to Felicity flashbacks
Boy am I ever glad I was wrong.

This is why I love the AV Club.!
Thinking back you are both right, she used her smarts and explosives (not in that order) to take on her opponents.
Now if only she could nail that accent….

I think it's a throwback to her calling us all fake wanna-be intellectuals or something to that effect (last episode I think).