
dammnit what is with me, every time I see a comment removed thingy it really makes me want to know what it said.

a consumer = male

Holy frankenfuck I can't believe we forgot about that. Harison as the Antichrist some seriously funny shit.

@avclub-0e9a570f97a6f2a4e1326a10228176a4:disqus Even though I disagree, I want to like because your comment really has some zing to it.

@avclub-dc1d56f7ab0d955006ca77e45eb665ea:disqus I guess it's like having to make every meal halal, gluten free, organic, kosher, and vegan just so everyone can partake. In the end it pretty much comes down to me advocating for what suits me best rather than what makes sense. I am an awful person.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus I like that turn of phrase - pop culture enemies.

Oh god I need to share this story so I can start healing, I think it might be therapeutic.

Thanks a lot. I had never noticed this before, and now it's pretty much ALL I notice.

I background-watched season six since reading this comment and I was struck by how
1) Dexter has more that one expression

I just realised that every single scene in this week's episode has been systematically decimated in these comments. Not one single quality moment. Colour me impressed.

I did nazi that coming.

I envisioned this scenario perfectly in my head and it was glorious.

Well, pity rules after all.

@avclub-545a6cf5d728f5c462e5d8722a177baa:disqus Don't worry, patstar, I wouldn't have been able to make it past more than one of those posts so  you did well.

These spoilers would piss me off but I can't keep anyone's name straight from GoT anyway so it's not really ruining anything for me.

Maybe he's self-cutting. All the cool kids are doing it these days.

Dexter was Deb's sometimes love interest, and not vice versa.


I laughed at your last point especially
Also- Lem doesn't do any surveillance at Deb's or he would have seen her leave, alone, without Harrison moments after he was there (did Harrison discover he secretly has Argentinian heritage and become his own babysitter?)

And why wasn't she all like, yo bitch, you killed my other son (your own brother) and I covered it up for you, show some fucking respect.