
Reading internet comments has made me lose a lot of faith in humanity. People are so much more awful than I had thought. But then again there are still billions of people without internet access so maybe there's hope yet.

Huh, I had always gotten the impression that she was somehow awesome on Chuck and that's why people were forgiving of her 'acting' on Dexter.

Here's a little something to help us cope:

Sex scandal makes it sound like someone stepped out on his wife.

Liberal corporate greed? I thought it was controlled by the Jews. Or illuminati. Or something.

I watched BSG without any prior knowledge of the show and was later surprised that there was controversy. I usually hate the tough-chick role (especially when played by 90 pound floozies) but she really pulls it off.

Maybe Masuka's daughter's tits will get the job.

Maybe it's prescription marijuana. This does take place in California, right?

While I agree that a D-D relationship would spice things up at this point, being exuberant about wanting to see some brother-sister lovin' is still pretty weird. At least where I come from.
Oh shit I just remembered I am of Newfie stock so perhaps I spoke too soon.

I am sincerely curious - does the use of spoiler alerts make people as upset as spoilers do? Is there something irritating about having to read the word SPOILER ALERT? Like, maybe it really grates certain people or it's like the MS activex control alert or something.

Yep newcop was to first to use tableau and defined it for the Miami Metro folks, Batista just never got over the seduction of the word and carried it forth into prosperity from there.

I am biased about the Mentalist b/c the main actor gives me a lady-boner. Amazing what we will tolerate for some eye candy.

Wow. I really find Jamie to be unattractive - skinny and plain faced (at best) and no discernable personality other than being other people's bitch. Really blah.

Now there's a spin-off: they open an 'exotic' meat export business by day and do serial killer stuff by night.

Under the Dome? Not quite as satisfying, though, because it slaps you in the face with its stupidity before it gets a chance to really lure you in.

Now there's an incestuous relationship I could really get behind.

So many smarts. It still amuses me than I can find more intellectual discourse here than in any class I have paid for.

It's like the viewers have Stockholm Syndrome now, remembering horrible episodes as being good to avoid dealing with the trauma of what the show has become.

I shouldn't get high before going to work?

Not just on TV. Horrible people are rewarded in real life too.