
There was an interesting discussion recently about how MCH actually has a lot of control over the show. Ever since reading it though I can't respect him as an actor as much.

@grimnebulin - fuckin' awesome

I can't believe the actors don't have an uprising. Maybe they were lobotomised this season.

I think it has something to do with being blue-balled. This seems to be a common viewer reaction :)

Or let him bleed out on the floor

They should do a full body tattoo of their escape route on Harrison. I'd pay money to watch that episode.

I'm not really sure what I just read here but I have a feeling the imagery of SB violently masturbating will stick with me for a while.


More like failed a psych 101 class.

Oh my god…I can't believe that triggered a memory of these things and wanting them. It was the ipod of the day.

Unfortunately here the cops don't seem to give two shits about sex crimes so my experiences are opposite. Although I love the actor, this film reinforces a disturbing trend of not believing the victim. I know of far more cases where an assault did occur and the police do nothing than vice versa. Not sure which is

@avclub-a525e1d4e111cc463b35abdd1c728420:disqus That's a problem?

@avclub-eb058ced22520c3a8f4e4a6e2fb16403:disqus Oh god I finally watched it and I think that might be true. What a little creep.

I get what you are saying and on some level I hope you are right, but I disagree that only someone with a medical degree could do it. In fact, I would say that anyone who hunts, does some research, or otherwise works hands-on in biomedicine would be able to do it perhaps even more that a psychiatrist would. The most

Psychology is kinda based upon people drinking the kool-aid.

So what? She is being paid to perform, not to like the audience.

I must be the only one who hated the Mos Def storyline - I couldn't stand all of the proselytizing. However I have been known to misappropriate blame for crappy writing to actors.

I read that in Dexter's voice and it was glorious.

Does the Brain Surgeon need to be a doctor?

Man does not equal woman, linguistically or otherwise. It would be just as exclusive to say no woman has gone before, so try that on for size.