
Liked for spoiler alerts. It's a kindness at this point, so thank you.

I've never seen the original series and only caught a few of TNG. It was enough to make me acquire the first two seasons and watch them obsessively. Now I can't stop thinking about little Star Trek references or analogies in my life. I think I went off the deep end with it, and I sure am glad that AV club is here to

I agree. Moreover, some quips seem designed specifically to rag on the people here rather than amuse them, and don't fit with what I feel is the general vibe of these forums. This really gets my goat.
It's better to join in on the fun!

I pretty much agree with Tom and Bigtits, with one caveat - police/FBI types are quite aware that their financial situation is very relevant to their employment. In Canada at least you can't become an RCMP officer if you have gone bankrupt recently.


fatvirgin, The disappointment is hard to describe. For some reason I just feel blue-balled (or whatever the female equivalent of that is) by Dexter more than I should. It's the TV version of blowing your load before it's even out of your pants.

OK I am only 5 minutes in but….why didn't someone just punch that stupid brat in the face to shut her up? Getting knocked out is surely better than the alternative. Or less asshole-ishly, wouldn't they have done drills to prepare? That stupid kid must have been old enough to understand the concept of shut the hell up

I respect and therefore don't usually criticize the reviewers, but I will make an exception here: I think it is a little douchey/condescending to 'inform' us that the literary fans of visual media refer to Science Fiction as SF and not Sci-Fi. Are you ipso facto claiming that we are neither fans of visual media nor

You are blaming India for the gross over consumption by human beings and years of colonisation, oppression, lack of access to basic resources, etc? I am pretty sure an Indian causes less environmental destruction per person than most other people.

So…the older child seriously didn't know about the discovery of alternate time streams? It seems like something they would learn about in school or something. And also, it appears that nurses in the future have no names and are called 'nurse' but doctors can use magical doctor powers to perform procedures with

Oh god, it's true, and I fell right into their trap.

“I prefer to make up my own quotes and attribute them to very smart people, so that I can use them to win arguments” 
― Albert Einstein

Hey Freddie Mercury, it's Grumpy Cat here! People may think we are has-beens, relics of the past, but we know better. Also I am glad we both have real avatars, because by definition an avatar is representational, not a duckfaced selfie. See you next week!

Wow, this is well thought out and not even that snarky, and demonstrates a genuine understanding of the human psyche. Take that, dewdropvelvet or whatever your name is!

Ha! I agree but I also had two more strange Arlene-related thoughts:
1) Dexter had more chemistry with Arlene in that one scene than Hannah the whole show
2) Why didn't Arlene tell Lem to fuck right off when he basically called her a looser piece of shit in her own house? And Dex just laughing along? Nice boyfriend

And that picture Harrison drew of his family….was so obviously painfully done by an adult imitating a child's drawing. Couldn't that child earn his bucks as an 'actor' and draw a picture himself for some authenticity? Maybe he is the starwars kid's little brother or something.

I usually don't check out links but my god, that was worth every bit of internet I spent on it.

I hate that we are TOLD that people are brilliant but all evidence is to the contrary. For example, Vogel: I think Dexter fanboys would make better psychiatrists than she. Way to connect the dots, Vogel!

I clearly know nothing about children…..but how did Harrison change from a mute retard, to a squeeky creep, to an ostensibly articulate child? He really didn't demonstrate a fluid character transition. I expected more from the best written character on this show.

The nine year old with a mustache appeared on the face matching software photo thingy. Did you even watch this episode? A moustache on Deb? WTF?