
I was a diehard fan of the show. I can honestly say - and yes I am deservedly opening myself up to ridicule by saying this - that not even the Dexter VOs bothered me until this episode. But for most fans, there was a real sense of excitement over the possibility that Dexter would get caught, and I think we were very

Maybe next they'll do a West-coast spinoff and film it in Vancouver and pretend it's LA.

@Aurelien Flieger I agree. At the time I thought Louis was too much, but in retrospect: too much is better than too little, and it would have made SO much more sense in terms of continuity.

@JesusMonroe - Wait, are you saying that there are defenders of this festering pile of crap? Where are they? Can I punch them in the face? Please?


We are in the same place, my friend! (30 minute elapse…) Holy fuck indeed. No. Just no.

I'll admit, I skipped right to the comments without watching the episode (a firstie for me!) but why does Harrison think that Hannah is his Mommy instead of Jamie, who he is with 24/7?

I remember a mini-debate in last week's comments regarding the nature of rumours vs spoilers, and also thinking that whoever made the Oliver Saxon = Oliver Sack's Son connection was uncannily astute.

Liked because I finally got it.

For some reason….I am enjoying this imagery.

Wow. It's interesting how people can have such opposite reactions. I think Carpenter is a legitimately good actress and Yvonne whatsername is as bland as can be. Maybe I find histrionics (not really though, she has good reason to be upset) more realistic than flat one-liners and magic potion power.

I got good grades while simultaneously smoking a lot of pot. They're not mutually exclusive, you know.

I assumed that he somehow…I dunno…obtained money from his murders. Melting gold rings and fillings maybe?

I really can't respect actors that won't do nudity. Really? Your body is the major source of your art/profession. Like  me being a nurse but not allowing nudity in my patients. Weak analogy but still. And as if they couldn't find an attractive woman who can emote to take her clothes off for a TV role.
Feel free to call

Damnit, I wasted this idea elsewhere but I will be a shrew and repeat it here:
The Shield/Dexter cross-over. Final scene: Harrison, Dexter, and Jamie, dead in Dexter's bed, all tucked in, with a fade out of Deb working a dreary office job in Miami Metro's basement.

Dexter's mother was murdered?

Wait, the reviewer even included a link for a Dexter-lovin' article for you and like-minded folks to read, in the link at the very end of the stray observations. That might be more your cup of tea.

This is a common practice amongst female detectives and physicians.

There's no such thing as a lame fart joke.

Moaning? It was more like a vacant stare, wondering when it will end and why Dexter is grinding her thigh.