
But then she would have had to sync it with a different computer to get the song onto it, thereby erasing all of the other songs, and making it obvious she planted the iPod. But I guess that would explain why the same one song was playing.

Maybe she's just putting on a show for an omniscient Ghost-Harry.

I can't believe I was actually starting to like Psycho-Biebs, at least he had some spunk compared to the other unitone characters.

Fuck you, Doakes, why are you always such an asshole. Now I need to go back and see if he was really wearing socks in that scene.

Like for the sheer narst of that imagery. Let's play a fun game where we use oncological and dermatological disorders as metaphors for Dexter's characters. Deb is an angry boil addicted to healing ointment. Harrison is a diabetic ulcer, unnoticed by its owner. See? This is fun.

Well, at the time, I think there was somewhat of a consensus that Rita devolved into a shrill harpie/perpetual nag and was a real drag to watch. In retrospect she doesn't seem that bad though.

Vogel has multiple personality disorder syndrome, and one of them is a PSYCHOPATH.

And the show could close with Dexter, Harrison, and Jamie all laying dead in Dexters bed, with a final pan-out to show Deb working a desk job in the basement of Miami Metro.

I hope we get to see Batista's boobs.

My roomie stepped in halfway through season 6. She sincerely thought that Hanks' character was supposed to be retarded. It's so much better to view it that way (if you are ever masochistic enough to watch it again, that is). Keep an eye on his expressions as he concentrates - accurate for someone with severe cognitive

Triple-Herp: Oral, anal, and penile. There can be a three minute sex scene devoted to each in the upcoming episodes, with a grand finale of CancerAids.

Maybe Claire Danes and Brody will turn out to be related and they can continue the incest themes with Homeland. (I am now guilty of posting about another show in the same thread that I bitched about posting about another show. Shamed, I am).

@beema No mystery there - Dexter clearly stated that he 'hacked' Zach's credit card. Duh.

My drunken live updates never sound as good in the morning. Keep em coming!

Ewww that was a really gross visual.

I am also stupefied about how I could be bored by Dexter. Even at its smarmiest, I was always entertained. I feel so betrayed.

Uh oh.

I just stopped by to say we should smudge the corners first.

Like, except for your taste in women. Both those actresses actively turn me off, not sure why. To each her own!

um yes it is unless she is secretly also studying science (topless of course)