
electrical….and round….sounds more like electrostim anal beads to me.

@Thomas R I read from a Very Reliable Source that a woman in China was trapped between two buildings for something like seven hours and the whole time she was calling out for help, the residents disregarded it because they thought she was a ghost.

Yes! Thank you, for some reason that got my goat more than it should have.
Also - Look! A pile of leaves in the forest. How strange!

His deep, sensual nostrils!

Well, to be fair, her Lesbian Glasses really chewed the scenery, and she is (was?) quite pale, even for a womyn.

I can't tell if you really don't know about torrents, so tell me to bugger of as needed, but (for example) utorrent software plus kickass torrents website makes it really very easy to access whatever video files you want. Of course, I live in the middle of nowhere (read: no cable, no video stores, and very limited

Yes, thank you. I felt somewhat redeemed when they turned out to be tough, though. 

At first I misjudged this as tldr; but then my eyes caught some of the glorious sentences and I knew I would feel more fulfilled and complete in life for having read it. It's like you know what I am too dim to say, and then make me laugh while saying it. Hats off to you, djf881

I am quite gullible when it comes to bad TV, but absolutely nothing rang true for me in Deb's forgiveness of Dexter (and vice versa). Terrible, indeed.

I don't NEED the heroin, I WANT the heroin.

I agree and I wonder if MCH's turn as a director has made the show boring to watch? This season has been yawn overall, although it strangely excited me when Deb was doing huge rails of coke.

Social sciences often do not aim to produce falsifiable hypotheses - rather, they aim to shed light on a myriad of different perspectives and bring intellectual discourse to subjective knowledge and contextual truths. I tend toward empiricism and objective realities myself, but it seems the more I learn, the less I

Yay! Pity like!

I just discovered literallyunbelievable's website where they make fun of people's reactions to the onion…low-brow but hey, I'm easy.

I feel your pain, snarkoleptic. I made the mistake of referring to a Pitchfork review around the cool kids once, and they made me sit alone after that.

Dwight ya sorry I don't know why I got my knickers in a knot, it's not like I am the internet police….as I mentioned, probably some residual hostility from being forced to learn French in school. Cheers.

Why are you posting in French? These boards would be a mess if multiple languages are allowed. Maybe I am just bitter over forced French Immersion but aren't there forums for people who wish to discuss pop culture in other languages? And as the show is broadcast in English, I assume that you understand it. Now the

My head feels hit…..even though I am sympathetic with the message it wasn't exactly subtle. But then again the Killing does love me some misery porn.

Eww  it's what the serve in the, ahem , jail cells around these parts. No one who has done a weekend in the slammer here ever eats Salisbury steak again…..I had to laugh when he had it for his last meal.

I too am missing some cells up above because I was under the impression that it wasn't difficult to hang someone to death. Why wouldn't the defendant's advocates ensure the rope extra long just to be on the safe side? My guess is a shortened rope would act as proof of intentional cruelty.