
I agree. It's interesting to compare my thoughts against the opinions expressed here - for example I actually usually enjoy Enos' performance but tonight she irked me - she's great in her own right but she's no Claire Danes. I was so tense from the misery porn that by the end of the episode my stomach hurt, yet I

Hey, the show is nothing if not realistic, eh?

I agree, this is the one part of the show that I cringed at….c'mon, human slavery is technically illegal in Canada.

So random alcohol and drug abuse escapes your judgement but patterned abuse does not?
The DSM-IV promotes crap science anyway and so do the judgmental twats who make meaningless diagnoses.
BTW not all drugs are addictive.

Yes, for some reason no-longer-anonymous black lady detective's increasing presence pisses me off more than it should. She has no charisma to speak of and it just seems like they need a Politically Correct Woman of Colour now that La Guerta is a bench.

The whole first paragraph reflects exactly my opinion of what Dexter has become. Thanks for answering a question my mate and I had - how has this show become boring to watch? Even at its cheesiest, it was still reliable entertainment. We wondered if there was a new director or something. Tsk tsk looks like MCH is to


I want to rip those stupid hipster glasses right off of Blonde Mom's face. Watching Under the Dome makes me re-evaluate my criticisms of Awake and Flashforward - they were well-executed compared to this smarm. Do the writers hate us? I have an actual stress headache after this episode from yelling at the TV. My mate

3) What a glorious nitpick. Finding a paper medical chart is still quite a feat even when you know the system, let alone blindly and as a semi retarded teenager.

Even worse than realizing Little Miss Nepotism Maimee Gummer has yet another shot at the small screen was realizing there's two of her. She, Colin Hanks, and her sister should teach drama at middle school or swing from a yacht or whatever the talent-less hack children of Holywood's most influental actors are up to

You mean EverShine McSmalltooth?

It's because McKennzie was on her period that she couldn't maintain.

I say we censor the censors until there's absolute silence.

Did you say 32 so you wouldn't be accused of hypocrisy in your endeavour for a presumably younger mate? Cuz if you are serious, I am 32 and single….but I am also a cat. When I smoke pot I swear I can type in English for like thirty secomeow meow meow.

They're romantic on my screen all the time!

eek I had confused Kristin Bell with  Kristen Stewart until this comment.

Maybe Dexter's writers are lurking here, having emulated Sorkin's foray into TWoP, and are 'suddenly' attentive to the shortcomings of certain characters on the show. We've noticed LaGuerta's dead and they need another Woman of Colour to step up and replace her, stat! Good thing Black Lady Detective aka Angie is here

For some reason I've never objected to how Sorkin writes women…until I watched this
this episode. The hot brunette's faux-nerdesque was just awful. I dislike when I am asked to believe that obviously beautiful, confident women are shy and geeky. (maybe I'm jealous). On the other end of the spectrum, is it necessary to

Were the occupiers on the Colbert show for realsies, even the hand signals? Tell me it isn't so….

To me, Junior's behaviour is not as unbelievable as people's reaction to him. Like gf says, he is clearly a freak, and yet people almost exalt him. Oh wait. Maybe that's not so unbelievable after all…..eek now I feel depressed about people, thanks again Stephen King.