
That explains so much. There is some genuinely bad acting here, it seems the younger they are they worse they are. Except for the woman in the basement. She's hot, so she gets a pass.

Or worse, what happens when the emo girl with two Moms runs out of eyeliner?

Even though I have been watching I feel like I am missing something. Why did the redhead reporter allow the creepy Junior kid to tell her to stay in the building? She is portrayed as determined and hot headed, and yet she lets this little twit  tell her what to do. Does he have some magical authority? And the other

Harrison is revealed to be brainmelonballed the whole time, thus his retardation.

Dexter was a favourite until this episode. For some reason the introduction of Vogel absolutely killed it for me. This is the first time I was so bored I turned it off….even when Dexter is bad (because it's bad?) I still enjoyed it. What happened?

It's like a Matroyshka doll of wounded sensibilities.

Why do people get so upset over the idea that racism still exists, and that it is not a thing of the past? I've seen it time and time again: people more offended by other people being offended by racism than people offended by racism itself.

I barf a little in my mouth if I think of her making O-sounds.

Who is the backwater thug to whom you refer?

Who is the backwater thug to whom you refer?

I really want to like this show, I really do, and I am trying to! Just so distracted by how awful the female characters are. I can handle a lot of cheesy unrealistic writing, but when half the characters are downright annoying or poorly portrayed, it gets in the way of enjoyment. The woman-soldier is weak but

I really want to like this show, I really do, and I am trying to! Just so distracted by how awful the female characters are. I can handle a lot of cheesy unrealistic writing, but when half the characters are downright annoying or poorly portrayed, it gets in the way of enjoyment. The woman-soldier is weak but

In Canada, Indians have federally issued cards certifying their Indian status. Certified Indians.

Well I suppose they both could have had C4, with Roya's batteries' C4 sacrificed for their greater cause. Abu 'n crew didn't seem to have a shortage of explosive type substances.

Well I suppose they both could have had C4, with Roya's batteries' C4 sacrificed for their greater cause. Abu 'n crew didn't seem to have a shortage of explosive type substances.

Yes, Deb and Dex as soul mates I could stomach. The whole it's-not-technically-incest-if-you're-adopted thing is just too …weird……somehow the incest plot line bothers me more than the serial killings. Yet I just can't see any other way for Deb and Dex to end up, 'specially since she killed for him and all. There was

Yes, Deb and Dex as soul mates I could stomach. The whole it's-not-technically-incest-if-you're-adopted thing is just too …weird……somehow the incest plot line bothers me more than the serial killings. Yet I just can't see any other way for Deb and Dex to end up, 'specially since she killed for him and all. There was

Good point, Stu Art!
Maybe she was just too relaxed from all that xaaaaanaaax

Good point, Stu Art!
Maybe she was just too relaxed from all that xaaaaanaaax

I agree, it doesn't really play out to have Brody as the bomb-planter when it was Carrie who initiated leaving the funeral…..but maybe there was something suggestive about the way Brody was making eyes at Carrie at the funeral? Maybe Brody, with his intensity of expression alone, manipulated Carrie into thinking she