
Hank, er Big Jim should just kill them both. Also, I think I said 'one step forward, two steps back' somewhere in a comment on last week's episode. A.V. Clubbers think alike.

Windows 8 is the Mother of All Bombs.

What I want to know is simply this: if it's really the "Mother of All Bombs" then how did it only obliterate a small area around a rural Maine town as opposed to say, the utter carnage of Hiroshima or what a hydrogen nuke would do? More like Minature of All Bombs.

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus There's enough there for an 89 minute feature film.

But don't worry, in the sequel they reboot him and he's all a-okay and nice computer again.

I am the walrus.

@avclub-969d52a164f035b11df2601cd0ad25f5:disqus Also words of wisdom from Jesse: "This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed…bitch!" Did he just say dome-icile?

I think it is fair to lettuce have a change of pace.

And, at the rate of basically one random person dying a week, there's always the 'tune in to see who gets offed…under the dome this week!!' factor.

I admit I did lol when they said that MOAB was an acronym for a weapon that sounds like it is out of a first-person video game or Loony Tunes. But yeah, it was a step in the right direction this week, sure beats the fire in the house thing.

Sitcom length eh? Now the story of a crazy town and the one supernatural event that had no choice but to keep them all together. It's Arrested Domevelopment.

Well, they felt they needed to dome down this show for the average viewer's comprehension. Whatcha gonna do?

I share old diner dude's apprehension about the bacon. To the Mega Mart!

Now THAT is a dome to live by. Although I still prefer Yosemite's Half Dome.

I'm down for a shot whenever Julia refers to her husband or Dean Norris kills someone off, that seems like once or twice an episode minimum.

I like my Angie sauteed with garlic dammit.

@avclub-6268b0b7bf51f37268028c896393a080:disqus Perhaps he was talking to the dome?

The Swifties want you to know that the Washington Monument is like, so NOT a dome. OMG! You are never, ever, ever getting out from under this thing!

Why did you lick me, puny HU-MON!!?

So you would suggest more Julie Chen?