
Wow, is this really what it appears to be: DVD not Bluray, Region 1, two discs and the theatrical cut?? I wonder if it has the trailers as well. I wonder if it is actually Grindhouse and not just the extended cuts of each film in a 2-disc package with nothing else. Or am I just far too cynical, because I've held out

Totally agree. Sadly under-appreciated flick.

Thanks Obama!

@avclub-bfbdeb4ec976be7d7794265c34596fac:disqus I don't mean to be a wet blanket on your suggestions, because I gather they are in earnest; but I would personally be just as disgusted with any of the names you suggest getting their paws on the material. They are all far too Hollywood-esque, sentimental, conventionally

Speaking for those who expect very little, if not outright zilch: not only are we not usually disappointed, we are frequently pleasantly surprised. It's one of the many nice developments that comes with general acceptance and aging.

Classic Dome.

I love this journalist who reports on crack. Or is it cracks?

It's the tagline for everything ion CBS. They only need one.

In a show that is defined by the obvious and the cliche, it was one thing I wasn't exactly expecting.

And then he is going to use the tracking button to eliminate those irritating horizontal lines on the screen.

You could read it as donned Sadness Flannel, like donned Vintage Leather. Or not.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus This is how I sincerely wanted The Matrix movies to end, with Keanu waking up at his desk at that shitty tech job and realizing it was all a daydream.

SPOILER: It was the shifty-eyed dog all along.

Aww, I will perhaps be the only one to miss Jack Gleeson if/when he is truly gone from that show; he is just so darn entertaining in his over-the-topness. However, I do root for Carcetti, I mean Baelish, to bite it in some gruesome manner when the time is right.

He also likes "peachy-keen."

@thecolonelmc:disqus Some A.V. Club posters are not toddlers, in spite of appearances, and want to express these feelings accordingly. A website for new parenting magazines might be a more appropriate place to look for unconditional understanding of child psychology as opposed to snarky mockery.

I can't reconcile how @thecolonelmc:disqus wants us, in multiple posts, to quit being cynics and squashing his happy-world-land joyfullness…and then finishes up with "and if you disagree with my opinion then go eat a bowl of fuck." You can't have your Bowl of Fuck and eat it too.

Flappy the Supernatural and Malevolent Duck and Sarah Michelle Geller in Murder Mallards of Mississippi. Thursday on Syfy.

I had a similar experience almost fifteen years ago on Pirates, in the 'Yo-ho' song area.

@avclub-173af0430bc192b8a027af7cdba82cd7:disqus George Michael, I feel like you're hogging Lynch. You're being a Lynchhog.