glen keenan

& now RIP Ivan Dixon
kinchlo" ("kinch") on "hogan's heroes"

reminds of the talking heads song…
"found a job". here are the lyrics…
"Damn that television … what a bad picture!"
"Don't get upset, it's not a major disaster."
"There's nothing on tonight," he said, "I don't know
what's the matter!"
"Nothing's ever on", she said, "so … I don't know
why you bother."

muppet beaker
my wife & i saw her today on the today show (we would've also watched her tomorrow on the tomorrow show, if only tom snyder hadn't kicked it)

she looks like "rachel" but she's a chef like "monica"! cool!!
my wife & are not surprised that hung & casey made it to the final 4—but it's a shocker that dale & bryan made it—esp dale, who never won a challenge til this wk!

i hope the office doesn't go the same way as "seinfeld" did. allow me to explain/backpedal…

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