Kurt Russells Beard

Don't think there's any connection to Willman..

You need to check out the Assembly Cut on the DVD - cobbled together from what Fincher had in the can before he walked off / got fired… it's much much better than the theatrical version - characters are fleshed out, Paul McGann doesn't vanish halfway through, and the whole thing is paced better.
The only thing the

Cheatin' bitch

I always thought that Russell was channelling Clint Eastwood for EFNY, and Wayne for BTILC? That would also make more sense what with Van Cleef being in EFNY and all, right?

Fuck, you guys work fast.

It's worth it just for the bridge jump/fall shot - first time since fuck-knows-when that I felt my balls retract into my gut.

Anyone who says that Sith is better than Jedi needs their head examining.
- speeder bike chase
- opening/closing battles
- Vader's/Luke's character arc completed

There are these, which are unfucked-with versions (taken from the pre-1997 laserdisc release) - don't know if you can still get them, but worth it if you can:

This mission
Just got Impossibler.


Ain't never read the comics
So string me the fuck up nerds.

Fuckin' Highlander.

17 DAYS?! 17 DAYS??!

I'd never wanted to be a pair of saloon doors so much in my life.

You know what, I didn't mind the Burnett/Crockett story, as hackneyed as it was - but then I'm a sucker for any scene that requires someone to stare wistfully into the middle-distance backed by some sophistipop (and maybe some flashbacks), and I think that ep had that in spades as I recall.. But yeah S5 sucked. Hard.

Miami Vice
Fucking rocks. First 2 seasons especially. So bleak. "Heart of Darkness" and "Evan" spring to mind as awesome episodes. Plus there was one where they get totally duped by some drug dealer dude outside a prison at the end of one of the episodes in a total "all that shit we just went through was for nothing"

@ El Crab - my 13 year old self has just asked me to point out that Shazza shows off some sideboob (and maybe some nipple?) in the scene at the start with Arnie when she's in her negligee.

What is renewal?