Dude, last weeks episode might have been the best of the entire series. I don't know what the fuck your talking about. Havn't seen this one yet though.
Dude, last weeks episode might have been the best of the entire series. I don't know what the fuck your talking about. Havn't seen this one yet though.
I always assumed that the 4h stone was something he made for her/ was originally given to him by her at some point, and he was giving it her as a gift. I didn't really think about it too much until now though. As far as the song goes, it's a really good song. It has a nice melody and sounds pleaseant to my ears.
Oh, I don't care for either, just making a harmless observation. If this were Alternative Press circa 2005, this review would have made more sense is all. These guys sucked then, and they suck now. Wolverine hair singer dude is a first class Chad in my book. And who the fuck said anything about Animal Collective? …
Sure, dude.
I had trouble believing this would get a good grade at the AV club until I saw that Kyle Ryan wrote this. Dude likes Fall Out Boy, makes complete sense.
How does it compare to The Road. It looked like The Road on steroids when I saw the trailer. Still, glad to hear it's decent, and I'll watch almost anything Gary Oldman's in.
I can assure you, Paul F. Tompkins is not Satan. Well, probably not at any rate.
Have you seen Observe & Report, ZMF? From what I can tell, comedy is not your thing, but that movie OWNS. It's some seriously fucked up shit, and funny as hell.
My buddy who spent a year in Iraq said the exact same thing when we talked about HL. He just couldn't get past it. Just another reason I'm glad I never joined the military, I get to enjoy films that may be less than realistic.
Neither DOOM nor Dilla are anywhere on this album, so I don't think he even know it exists. I kid… I kid.
That was kinda the thing with their best of the decade list, take a given artists best work and pick the album right before it. Head scratcher, that list.
A little off topic, I know,
but does anyone know where I could find some great deals on Christmas gifts? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know these don't qualify as "great,"
but can someone explain the last couple weezer album covers? A cowboy outfit?
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Nope, no one at the AV Club knows the truth. Best movie of the decade.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
This movie needs some love. Oh well, off to the orphans to see if anyone knows the truth.
Oh relax, buddy. I like DOOM, and I like this album. I agree with Rabin. I just saw DOOM on the main page and knew right away it was Rabin, and roughly what he would say about it.
Next thing you know, Nathan Rabin will give a posthumous JayDee album a good review.
hom-may, i think.
Era Vulgaris is great. Line-up was fine.
Just jumped ahead of Page and Plant in rad-points, but still in 2nd place behind Bonham.
Dr. Manhattan is right on the money.