
Remember When
In an earlier episode, after destroying some shape shifters or something, Fauxlivia asks Peter if he wouldn't do the same thing to save his universe. Peters says something like "Let billions of people die? No, I would try to find another way." Good answer. I'd like to see them trying to find another way

I hate the meme that men are so enslaved to their genitals that any man would jeopardize his whole universe for the sake of a little sex. However, the idea that Peter knew but liked Fauxlivia better is interesting.

Did I Miss Something?
What does it mean to sell your soul to an angel? Are you doomed to spend all of eternity in Heaven?

Because in the early days, when the show wasn't afraid to criticize the choreography, they lost many choreographers. I am sure it is not as easy to get choreographers for the show as many think. As Mia explained, in her more honest days: In the real world choreographers don't cater to the limits of their dancers. They

I also like DWTS, especially near the end when the chaff has been eliminated. I enjoy the pro dancing and I am often amazed at how good the choreography is compared to the pro choreographers on SYTYCD.

For those of us who came late
I do not understand why, if opening a door between universes will destroy one of them, people on both sides are not working to stop that. A universe is a very big thing. As much as I enjoy stories about Observers and shape-shifting solders, it all seems a little petty.

The Shocking Fake-Out
Until something better comes on, or it is revealed that the Vs are here to steal out hydrogen, I find this show bad enough to be fun.

Time to go
Last week I said that I wanted AV Club to watch this show so I didn't have to. Sadly, the show no longer even rates the time it takes to read a synopsis. When you have to spend half of your review justifying watching the program it is time for all of us to move on. It was a great premise from which many


Since I always thought the show was fundamentally intelligent, I looked forward to seeing how the writers were going to get out of the fake pregnancy trap. I just didn't think they were capable of doing it with such emotional intensity. Now, instead of being the justification for a potentially adulterous