Captain PicklePants

I got the sense Cersei would possibly be sending Meryn with Mace to assassinate him at some point. But, Meryn is certainly getting some needle action, and soon.

The expanded use of Bronn in the show makes up for the disappointing underuse of Dolorous Edd. Some more Dolorous is much needed in the North parts.

Well, Renly, was straight up with Eddard Stark, and if he had listened to Renly, all would be relatively copacetic in the 7 Kingdoms now (Not really Stannis would still be warring against his brother for his rightful claim to the crown). Also the tale of Renly's behavior towards Brienne in her youth and appointing

Golly, at least Stanton could have given her a 20 second countdown, she could have made it clear, and he still could have blown it up.

Golly, at least Stanton could have given her a 20 second countdown, she could have made it clear, and he still could have blown it up.

FULLY AGREE, I have a lot of experience working with those in the autistic spectrum,, and Cartwright has clearly, not only done his homework to master the small details, but he also executes them in a way that lets the humanity and individuality of the character shine through.

FULLY AGREE, I have a lot of experience working with those in the autistic spectrum,, and Cartwright has clearly, not only done his homework to master the small details, but he also executes them in a way that lets the humanity and individuality of the character shine through.

That actor has the "rake-up-his-ass look down", but  when he pushed past Chalky to help that jobber that had just cut his face for NO good reason, it showed courage, principle, guts, and honor.  That won my respect, and surely had to win Chalky's even though he disobeyed him.

That actor has the "rake-up-his-ass look down", but  when he pushed past Chalky to help that jobber that had just cut his face for NO good reason, it showed courage, principle, guts, and honor.  That won my respect, and surely had to win Chalky's even though he disobeyed him.

Both my wife and I blurted at the same time, that Steedle's face was gumpy.

Both my wife and I blurted at the same time, that Steedle's face was gumpy.

Yes, my wife said, "that guy is such an idiot, why isn't he dead."  I said, "No, he isn't.  Doyle has escaped a lot of tight scrapes.  He is one cagey SOB!"

Yes, my wife said, "that guy is such an idiot, why isn't he dead."  I said, "No, he isn't.  Doyle has escaped a lot of tight scrapes.  He is one cagey SOB!"